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Get the Domain on Current User. - Batch Code Bank

Get the Domain on Current User.
Finds Domain on current user on windows and checks if admin privileges are enabled.
                @echo off
goto check_Permissions

    echo Administrative permissions required. Detecting permissions...

    net session >nul 2>&1
    if %errorLevel% == 0 (
        echo Success: Administrative permissions confirmed.
    ) else (
        echo Failure: Current permissions inadequate.

timeout /t 3 /nobreak > nul
goto :beg
@REM + Find the computer domain name
@echo off
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%a IN (`wmic.exe COMPUTERSYSTEM GET DOMAIN /Value`) DO (
      @((ECHO %%a | findstr /i /c:"Domain=") && SET _str=%%a) > NUL 2>&1
FOR /F "tokens=2 delims=^=" %%a IN ("%_str%") do SET _computerDomain=%%a
SET _computerDomain=%_computerDomain: =%
SET _fqdn=%COMPUTERNAME%.%_computerDomain%
@echo off
echo %_fqdn%
pause > nul
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