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Javascript 16 - Python Code Bank

Javascript 16
takes less than a second
                ##### target checksum is 88692587, because sum starts with 1, and not 0, we can start sum with 0
##### and treat the checksum as 88692588.
##### because we are using only integers, the checksum must be divisable by the length of the word.
##### The only reasonable lengths for this are 9, 12, 18. 12 being the most reasonable.
##### The equation were solving is:
##### 88692588 / (n + 1) = sum from 1 to N of: (i^3 * Ai^2)
##### where n + 1 is the length of the string, i is the index of the character, Ai is the index of the character in the "tab" array
##### range of characters in tab array: 0, 19-85

targetValue = 7391049


translate int array to string
def translateArr(arr):
	wordDic = "                   azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbnAZERTYUIOPQSDFGHJKLMWXCVBN0123456789_$&#@"
	wordArr = "a"
	for i in arr:
		wordArr += wordDic[i]
	return wordArr

sums the array by the formula
def arrSum(arr):
	sum = 0
	for i in range(len(arr)):
		sum += (arr[i]**2) * ((i+1)**3)
	return sum

initializes the array
def initArr(arr, fromIndex):
	for i in range(fromIndex):

resets the array memebers from an index downwards
def resetArr(arr, fromIndex):
	for i in range(fromIndex):
		arr[i] = 0

creates an array which will answer the riddle
def createArr(arr, i):
	for j in range(86, 18, -1):
		arr[i] = j
		sum = arrSum(arr)
		if targetValue < sum:
		if targetValue == sum:
			print translateArr(arr)
			return SUCCESS
		if 0 != i:
			if SUCCESS == createArr(arr, i - 1):
				return SUCCESS
				resetArr(arr, i)
	return FAILURE

arr = []
initArr(arr, 11)

createArr(arr, len(arr) - 1)

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