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Text Message via Gmail+Python - Python Code Bank

Text Message via Gmail+Python
I found this function on another forum site and thought I would share it. Requires a Gmail account. Could be used for text bombing someones cell phone. I use it with an IRC bot I wrote.
                carriers = {"Alltel":"@message.alltel.com",

#replace 5555555555 with a working number
def sendText(body, to = "5555555555@txt.att.net", username = "yourAccount@gmail.com", password = "Your password"):
    """Sends a text via Gmail"""
    mail_server = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com", 587)
    mail_server.login(username, password)
    mail_server.sendmail(username, to, body)
techb's avatar
techb 13 years ago

ntelos = @pcs.ntelos.com