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Mass UnZipper - Python Code Bank

Mass UnZipper
I wrote this about a year ago to unzip thousands of ROMs a friend gave me. They where all individual zipped and I got fed up unzipping them one by on. The code looks kinda sloppy, but it works.
                import zipfile, os

print """=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=MASS_ZIP_EXTRACTION=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-BY: Tech B.    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="""
print """


d = raw_input("""Path to Directory containing the Zip's to be extracted
example: C:\\Users\\TechB\\Desktop\\Zips

zList = os.listdir(d)
badList = []
gnt = 0
bnt = 0
allz = 0
for z in zList:
    di = d
    di += '\\' + z    
    if zipfile.is_zipfile(di) == True:
        x = zipfile.ZipFile(di)
        x.extractall(raw_input("""Path to where you want the zips to be extracted to
example: C:\\Users\\owner\\Extraction_Folder
        gnt += 1
        allz += 1
        print "extracted: ", z, gnt
        bnt += 1
        allz += 1
        print "failed: ", z, bnt
      allz += 1
      print 'Error: ', z

print "=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-="
print "Total files: %d" % allz
print "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-="
print "Failed files:"
for i in badList:
    print i


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