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Face Recognition - Python Code Bank

Face Recognition
I have facial recognition working thanks to fdlib.dll I haven't mapped it to the mouse yet, and only supports only 1 face at the moment.
                #fdtest.cpp mostly ported to python
#supports 1 face detection so far
#Tech B.

from ctypes import *
import Image, os

#add style and clear screen
os.system('color 02')

fd = cdll.LoadLibrary("fdlib.dll") #dll found at http://www.kyb.mpg.de/bs/people/kienzle/facedemo/facedemo.htm
im = Image.open(raw_input("Image to load: "))

#converts to grayscale if not already
if im.mode != 'L':
    im = im.convert("L")

pixX = 0
pixY = 0
pixList = []

graydata = c_ubyte * (640*480)
graydata = graydata()

w = c_int(640)
h = c_int(480)
threshold = c_int(0)

x = c_int * 256
y = c_int * 256
size = c_int * 256
x = x()
y = y()
size = size()

#obtain list of pixels
#this is an expensive algarythem, takes too long to complete...
while pixX*pixY <= (640*480):
    pixX += 1
    if pixX == 640:
        pixX = 0
        pixY += 1
    if pixY == 480:

#convert pixel list from above to ctype array
count = 0
while count < (640*480):
    graydata[count] = c_ubyte(pixList[count])
    count += 1

print "\nDetecting faces...\n"
fd.fdlib_detectfaces(byref(graydata), w, h, threshold)

n = fd.fdlib_getndetections()
if n == 1:
    print "%d face found\n" % n
    fd.fdlib_getdetection(c_int(0), x, y, size)
    print "X: %d Y: %d Size: %d" % (x[0], y[0], size[0])
techb's avatar
techb 14 years ago

This is the updated version. /works in real time via webcam and pygame. Can also detect multiple faces. Requires: PIL Pygame fdlib.dll VideoCapture Pyscho

#Real time face detection.
#supports 1 face detection so far
#Tech B.

from VideoCapture import Device
from ctypes import *
import Image, ImageDraw, os, time, pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *
from psyco import full

#add style and clear screen
os.system(&#39;color 02&#39;)

fd = cdll.LoadLibrary(&quot;fdlib.dll&quot;) #dll found at http://www.kyb.mpg.de/bs/people/kienzle/facedemo/facedemo.htm

cam = Device()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,480))
pygame.display.set_caption(&#39;Facial Recognition&#39;)

pixX = 0
pixY = 0
pixList = []

w = c_int(640)
h = c_int(480)
threshold = c_int(0)

x = c_int * 256
y = c_int * 256
size = c_int * 256
x = x()
y = y()
size = size()

graydata = c_ubyte * (640*480)
graydata = graydata()
while 1:

    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit()
    im = cam.getImage()
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    img = im.convert(&quot;L&quot;)
    imd = list(img.getdata())
    cnt = 0
    pixX = 0
    pixY = 0
    cnt = 0
    for pix in imd:
        graydata[cnt] = imd[cnt]

    fd.fdlib_detectfaces(byref(graydata), w, h, threshold)
    n = fd.fdlib_getndetections()
    if n == 1:
        fd.fdlib_getdetection(c_int(0), x, y, size)

    bBoxTres = size[0]/2
    draw.rectangle([(x[0]+bBoxTres,y[0]+bBoxTres),(x[0]-bBoxTres,y[0]-bBoxTres)], outline=255)
    imn = pygame.image.frombuffer(im.tostring(), (640,480), &quot;RGB&quot;)
    screen.blit(imn, (0,0))

techb's avatar
techb 14 years ago

This is the updated version. /works in real time via webcam and pygame. Can also detect multiple faces. Requires: PIL Pygame fdlib.dll VideoCapture Pyscho

#Real time face detection.
#supports 1 face detection so far
#Tech B.

from VideoCapture import Device
from ctypes import *
import Image, ImageDraw, os, time, pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *
from psyco import full

#add style and clear screen
os.system(&#39;color 02&#39;)

fd = cdll.LoadLibrary(&quot;fdlib.dll&quot;) #dll found at http://www.kyb.mpg.de/bs/people/kienzle/facedemo/facedemo.htm

cam = Device()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,480))
pygame.display.set_caption(&#39;Facial Recognition&#39;)

pixX = 0
pixY = 0
pixList = []

w = c_int(640)
h = c_int(480)
threshold = c_int(0)

x = c_int * 256
y = c_int * 256
size = c_int * 256
x = x()
y = y()
size = size()

graydata = c_ubyte * (640*480)
graydata = graydata()
while 1:

    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit()
    im = cam.getImage()
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    img = im.convert(&quot;L&quot;)
    imd = list(img.getdata())
    cnt = 0
    pixX = 0
    pixY = 0
    cnt = 0
    for pix in imd:
        graydata[cnt] = imd[cnt]

    fd.fdlib_detectfaces(byref(graydata), w, h, threshold)
    n = fd.fdlib_getndetections()
    if n == 1:
        fd.fdlib_getdetection(c_int(0), x, y, size)

    bBoxTres = size[0]/2
    draw.rectangle([(x[0]+bBoxTres,y[0]+bBoxTres),(x[0]-bBoxTres,y[0]-bBoxTres)], outline=255)
    imn = pygame.image.frombuffer(im.tostring(), (640,480), &quot;RGB&quot;)
    screen.blit(imn, (0,0))