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Magic method __autoload implementation. - PHP Code Bank

Magic method __autoload implementation.
This featuere implements an __autoload magic method to classes. In other words, a class can have a Autoloder of their own.
                function autoloadProxy($className)
	// Fetch last backtrace from this call and backwards
	$trace = debug_backtrace();
	// Pops of one key from the backtrace untill it's completly empty (NULL)
	while (($next = array_pop($trace)) != NULL) {
		/* If $next has the key 'object' then it's a class call and should be tested for method existence.
		   If method '__autoload' exists in the class that was called then call that method. */
		if (isset($next['object']) && method_exists($next['object'], '__autoload')) {
			return $next['object']->__autoload($className);
	/* If no matches were found then it means we failed to localize an '__autoloader' method.
	   Add fallback method here or just return false, remember that before PHP 5.3 and autoloader can't throw (raise) an exception. */
	return false;

// Register the proxy.
ghost's avatar
ghost 13 years ago

The code might be buggy, I did a last minute change to move down the trace stack which I yet to have tested.