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Registry pattern class - PHP Code Bank

Registry pattern class
My implementation of a Registry class. Instead of using Factory patterns for classes to be loaded it instead takes arguments.
                // The Reflection API was introduced in the release of PHP5, thus it's not available for PHP 4 or lower.
class Registry
	// Private numb constructor makes us unable to instantiate this class.
	private function __construct(){}
	// Same goes for cloning.
	private function __clone(){}
	// Our function to fetch our instance, if it doesn't exist then it also creates it.
	public function getInstance($className)
		static $instances = array();
		if (!array_key_exists($className, $instances) {
			$argArray = func_get_args();
			$reflectionObj = new ReflectionClass($className);
			$instances[$className] = $reflectionObj->newInstanceArgs($argArray);
		$instance =& $instances[$className];
		return $instance;

// Now a new object can be created like: $newObject = Registry::getInstance('ClassName', $arg1, $arg2, $arg3);
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