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Quick MySQL Database Backup Script - PHP Code Bank

Quick MySQL Database Backup Script
Generates valid MySQL statements to recreate every database, table, and record in the MySQL database. If you find a more efficient way, comment!
	// make database connection here / put db connect include here
	// if you use a select_db statement, comment out the first query loop ("SHOW DATABASES" and the fetch_array)
	// set this variable to 1 to include information_schema table in backup
	$grabSchema = 0;
	if ($a = mysql_query("SHOW DATABASES")) { while ($b = mysql_fetch_array($a)) { // grab database names
		if ((!$grabSchema && $b[0] != 'information_schema') || $grabSchema) { // are we including information_schema?
		echo "<p>CREATE DATABASE ".$b[0].";</p>";
		mysql_select_db($b[0]); // let's select the db so we can start getting the tables
		if ($c = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES")) { while ($d = mysql_fetch_array($c)) { // grab table names
			$fields = array(); // need to store the field names for the inserts
			$types = array(); // need to store the field types to know if we quote our inserts
			$st = "<p>CREATE TABLE ".$d[0].'(';
			$st2 = ''; // this will store the field information for our CREATE TABLE statement
			if ($e = mysql_query("DESCRIBE ".$d[0])) { while ($f = mysql_fetch_array($e)) { // grab field names for table
				$fields[] = $f['Field']; // add to field list for table
				$types[] = $f['Type']; // add to type list for table
				// Re-create the column creation statement using the attributes returned from "DESCRIBE"
				$st2 .= $f['Field'].' '.$f['Type'].($f['Null'] == 'NO' ? ' NOT' : '').' NULL'.
						(!empty($r['Extra']) ? ' '.$r['Extra'] : '');
				if ($f['Key'] == 'PRI') { $st2 .= ' PRIMARY KEY'; }
				if (!empty($f['Default'])) { 
					$st2 .= ' DEFAULT '.(strstr($f['Type'],'text') ? "'{$f['Default']}'" : $f['Default']); 
				// END re-create, add a comma for the next field
				 $st2 .= ',';
			} } // Close "DESCRIBE tablename"
			// If there are no fields left, finish out the CREATE TABLE statement
			// If there were no fields in the table, leave out the parenthesis to make a valid CREATE TABLE statement
			echo $st.(!empty($st2) ? substr($st2,0,strlen($st2) - 1).')' : '').';</p>';
			// Now, we grab the contents of the table
			if ($e = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$d[0])) {	while ($f = mysql_fetch_array($e)) {
			    $st = "<p>INSERT INTO ".$d[0]." SET ";
			    $count = count($f);
			    // Need to reference the field and type arrays by numeric index, so we put the count() outside of
			    // the for() loop for performance.  Now, we loop through each field in the current row.
			    for($x = 0;$x < $count;$x++) {
				// If the field isn't empty, insert either a string or non-string according to the type.
				if (!empty($f[$x])) {
				    $st .= $fields[$x]."=".(strstr($types[$x],'text') || strstr($types[$x],'char') ? "'{$f[$x]}'" : $f[$x]).",";
			    // Finish out the insert by removing the last comma.
			    echo $st=substr($st,0,strlen($st) - 1).";</p>";
			} } // Close "SELECT * FROM tablename"
		} } // Close "SHOW TABLES"
	   } // Close conditional for $showSchema
	} } // Close "SHOW DATABASES"
ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

Works awesome for those of you who wonders. Still awesome!:happy: