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XECryption algorithm decryptor - Perl Code Bank

XECryption algorithm decryptor
takes encrypted file and outputs the original text. in this encryption algorithm every character turns into .ddd.ddd.ddd where d is digit.
#XECryption algorithm decryptor
# usage: decrypt.pl encrypted_file
#takes encrypted file and outputs the original text.
#in this encryption algorithm every character turns into .ddd.ddd.ddd where d is digit.

use strict;


sub main{
	$file_path = shift;
	open($fh,"<$file_path") or die "Can't open $file_path: $!";
	read($fh,$data,-s $fh);
	@x = split('\.',$data);
	shift @x; # dump first one, it's empty!
	while (@x > 0){
		push (@sum,shift(@x) + shift(@x) + shift(@x));
	$space = mostcommon(@sum); # this should be space!
	$password = $space - 32;
	while (@sum > 0){
		$asci = shift(@sum) - $password;
		print chr($asci);

sub mostcommon{
	my @nums = @_;
	my(@most_common, %once, %common);
	my $mcc=2; # if there are no common substrings don't store
	while( @nums > 0){
	  my $key = shift @nums; #slide down 1 number
	  if($common{$key} > $mcc){
	    @most_common=($key); #new max set entire array to $key
	  elsif($common{$key} == $mcc){
	    push(@most_common, $key);  # tack $key onto largest
	  if($common{$key} == 1){
	    delete $once{$key};
	return shift @most_common;
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