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Crossword Puzzle Generator - Perl Code Bank

Crossword Puzzle Generator
Just a bit of perl.
                #!perl -w
use strict;

open GRID, '>grid.html' or die $!;
select GRID;

print "<HTML><BODY>\n";

my $cellwidth = '20'; # pixel or percent
my $cellheight = '4'; #pixels only
my $counter = "0";

sub Solid
     return "<TD WIDTH='$cellwidth' HEIGHT='$cellheight' ".

sub Open
     return "<TD WIDTH='$cellwidth' HEIGHT='$cellheight' ".

sub Numbered
     return "<TD WIDTH='$cellwidth' HEIGHT='$cellheight' BGCOLOR='WHITE' ".
            "ALIGN='LEFT' VALIGN='TOP'><FONT SIZE=-2>$counter</FONT></TD>\n";

# 0 = black box 1 = white box 2 = nnumbered box
my @type = ( \&Solid, \&Open, \&Numbered );
my @line = (

print "<TABLE BORDER=1 SHADE=0>\n";
foreach ( @line )
     print "<TR>\n";
     print map { &{$type[$_]} } split //;
     print "</TR>";
print "\n</TABLE>\n\n";

rex_mundi's avatar
rex_mundi 10 years ago

thumbs up