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add group - Java Code Bank

add group
this little program allow you to create a group, see who is in this group.
 * File: Person.java.
 * This Program just set up the attribute needed for person. 
import java.util.*;
public class Person {
	private String firstName;
	private String LastName;
	private int personAge;

	public  Person(String name, String Lastname, int age){
		firstName = name;
		LastName = Lastname;
		personAge = age;
	public String getFirstName(){
		return firstName;
	public String getLastName(){
		return LastName;
	public void setAge(int age){
		personAge = age;
	public int getAge(){
		return personAge;
	public String toString(){
		return (firstName + " " + LastName + " is " + personAge);


 * File: Group.java
 * This code just set up the attribute needed for a group.
// THis is the import needed
import java.util.*;
public class Group {
	// constructor with Parameters.
	public Group(String groupName, String leader){
		group = groupName;
		Leader = leader;
	// The get group method that get the group
	public String getGroup(){
		return group;
	// this just get the leader's name.
	public String getLeader(){
		return Leader;
	// This methods just add people to the arraylist.
	public void addPeople(Person people1){
	// This method return people as an iterator.
	public Iterator<Person> getPeople(){
		return people.iterator();
	// The toString method.
	public String toString(){
		return ("\"" + group + "\"" + "was added by: " + Leader);
	// Private Instances variable.
	private String group;
	private String Leader;
	ArrayList<Person> people = new ArrayList<Person>();


 * File : Socialnetworks.java
 * **************************************************
 * This program allow you to create group of people.*
 * it allow you to see people in a particular group.*
 * Created by buddywithgol                          *
 * v.                                   *
// You need to download the acm library for this program.
import acm.program.*; 
import java.util.*;
public class SocialNetworks extends ConsoleProgram{
	// This is the run method which basically run everything in your program.
	public void run(){
		// The while loop run until the user tell it to stop. Which is to input 0.
			int selection = getSelection();
			if(selection ==QUIT)break;
			// This is the switch case that let the user to decide what kind of action he/she want to make.
			case LIST_PEOPLE:
			case LIST_GROUP:
			case ADD_PERSON:
			case ADD_GROUP:
	// This method get the selection from the user. It read an integer to decide what kind of action to be execute.
	private int getSelection(){
		println("Press 0 to Quit");
		println("Enter 1 to list Person in a group");
		println("Enter 2 to list the available group");
		println("Enter 3 to add a person to a group");
		println("Enter 4 to create a group");
		println("Enter 5 to list the people on a particular group");
		println("Enter 6 to update a person's age");
		int select = readInt("Selection:");
		return select;
	// When this method is called it list all people in the database. Not for a particular group.
	private void listPeople(){
		// This goes through every index of the ArrayList and print them out on the screen.
		for(int i = 0;i<People.size();i++){
	private void listGroup(){
		Iterator<String> groupIt = Group.keySet().iterator();
	private Person addPeople(){
		String name = readLine("Person's first name (Enter to quit): "); 
		if (name.equals("")) return null; 
		String band = readLine("Last name: "); 
		int songIndex = findPerson(name, band); 
		if (songIndex != -1) { 
			println("That song is already in the store."); 
			return People.get(songIndex); 
			} else { 
				int price = readInt("Age: "); 
				Person song = new Person(name, band, price); 
				String group = readLine("Group: ");
				println("New Person added to the store."); 
				return song; 
	private int findPerson(String name, String group){
		int index = -1;
		for(int i = 0; i<People.size();i++){
					&& People.get(i).getLastName().equals(group)){
				index = i;
		return index;
	private void addGroup(){
		String name = readLine("Group name:");
			println("This Group is already. Please choose another name for your group.");
			String leader = readLine("leader's name");
			Group group = new Group(name,leader);
			Group.put(name, group);
				Person person = addPeople();
				if(person == null)break;
			println("New group  created by " + leader);
	private void listPeopleInAGroup(){
		String name = readLine("Group Name: ");
			Iterator<Person> peopleIT = Group.get(name).getPeople();
			println(name + " contains the following People: ");
			while (peopleIT.hasNext()){
				Person person = peopleIT.next();
	private static final int QUIT = 0; 
	private static final int LIST_PEOPLE = 1; 
	private static final int LIST_GROUP = 2; 
	private static final int ADD_PERSON = 3; 
	private static final int ADD_GROUP = 4; 
	private static final int LIST_PEOPLE_ON_GROUP = 5; 
	private static final int UPDATE_PEOPLE_AGE = 6;
	// This store all the group into a Hashmap
	private HashMap<String,Group> Group = new HashMap<String,Group>(); 
	// This arrayList store Evryone that was added
	private ArrayList<Person> People = new ArrayList<Person>();

Arabian's avatar
Arabian 12 years ago

new person(Pig, Rapist, 666);