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Number to Word Converter - Java Code Bank

Number to Word Converter
This is a rewrite to newbee's word_converter_fn program. This takes up 999 decillion and prints out the worded equivalent.
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package word_converter_fn;

 * @author elmiguel and selliser
public class Word_converter_fn {
   private static String ones[]     = {"one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"}; 
   private static String elevens[]  = {"ten","eleven","twelve","thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"}; 
   private static String tens[]     = {"twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety"};
   private static String decimalGrouping[] = {"thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "sextillion", "septillion", "octillion","nonillion", "decillion"};   
   public static String calculateTriple(int number){
       //check for even group values (i.e. 1,000)
       return "";
      String tripleString="";
      int localCalc=number%100; 
      if (number>99){
           tripleString+=convertOnes(number/100)+" hundred ";
      //x Modulo 100 gives us the right two digits.
      //Check for Elevens first
      if(localCalc<20 && localCalc>=10){
          //not an eleven; calc tens then ones
           tripleString+=convertTens(localCalc)+" ";
          //always calc ones
       return tripleString;
   public static String calculateGroup(int number){
       return decimalGrouping[number];
   public static String convertOnes(int number){
        return ones[number-1];    
           return "";
   public static String convertElevens(int number){
       return elevens[(number%10)];
   public static String convertTens(int number){
       return tens[number/10 -2];//-2 is the normal -1 offset plus
                                // an additoinal -1 for removing "ten"

  public static String convert(String n) { 
    String out = "";
    String tripleNum="";
    if (n.equals("0")){
        return "zero";
    }//zero check
    //Zero pad the front of the string 

    //First check for elevens becuase they don't follow
    //nomenclature rules
    int decimalGroupIndex=n.length()/3;
    for(int i=0;i<n.length()/3;i++){        
         out+= " " + decimalGrouping[(decimalGroupIndex-i)-1] + " ";
        //Break the number into three-digit intervals.
        tripleNum=n.substring(i*3, (i*3)+3);
        out+= calculateTriple(Integer.parseInt(tripleNum));

      return out; 
     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            for(String arg : args){
                    System.out.println("input : " + arg + "\r\nOutput : " + convert(arg).trim());

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