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IRC Bot - Java Code Bank

A bot I've been working on lately. Just so you know, this requires that you download PIRCBot ( http://www.jibble.org/pircbot.php ) to run it. Some suggestions or comments would be nice. TO ADD: -more functions to the bot itself -a swing interface Oh, and the MD5 thing does have some relevance. At least, it will soon.
                import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.*;
import org.jibble.pircbot.*;
import java.security.*;
import java.net.*;

interface CommandAction {
	 public Vector action(String[] args, HashMap cData);
	 public String help();
	 public boolean priv();

class MD5 { 
	public String MD5(String out) {		
		String ret = "";
			MessageDigest algorithm = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
			byte messageDigest[] = algorithm.digest();
			StringBuffer hexString = new StringBuffer();
			for (int i=0;i<messageDigest.length;i++) {
				String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xFF & messageDigest[i]); 

			ret = hexString.toString();
		} catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae){
			ret = null;
		return ret;

class Bot extends PircBot {
	private static Map cmdMap;			
	private static String host;
	private static int port;
	private static String sqlHost, sqlUser, sqlPass, sqlDB, admin;	
	private static boolean coding;
	private static String code, name, t;
	public Bot() {		
		Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in);				
		System.out.print("Your nick: ");
		admin = kbd.nextLine();
		System.out.print("Bot name: ");
		String n = kbd.nextLine();
		System.out.print("Host: ");
		host = kbd.nextLine();
		System.out.print("Port: ");
		port = kbd.nextInt();		
		cmdMap = new HashMap();				
		this.setVersion((new Double(1.0)).toString());		
	public String getAdmin() {
		return admin;
	public boolean isOp(String name, String ch) {
			User[] users = this.getUsers(ch);
			for(User u : users) 
					return u.isOp();
		return false;
	public boolean isOp(String ch) {
		return isOp(this.getAdmin(),ch);
	public boolean isValid(String n) {
		return n.equals(admin);
	public String[] parse(String msg) {
		return msg.substring(1).split(" ");
	public String[] args(String[] cArr) {
		String[] ret;
		if(cArr.length>1) {
			ret = new String [cArr.length-1];
			for(int i = 1; i < cArr.length; i++) {
		} else {
			ret = null;
		return ret;
	public void connect() {
		try { this.connect(host,port); } 
		catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
	public void join(String Channel) {
	public void part(String Channel, String Reason) {
	public boolean inChan(String chan) {
		String[] chans = this.getChannels();
		for(int i = 0; i < chans.length; i++) 
				return true;
		return false;
	protected  void	onNickChange(String oldNick, String login, String hostname, String newNick) {
		if(oldNick.equals(admin)) {
			admin = newNick;
	public void onVersion(String sourceNick, String sourceLogin, String sourceHostname, String target) {
		if(target.equals(this.getNick())) {
			this.sendMessage(sourceNick, "VERSION "+this.getVersion());
	public void onPrivateMessage(String sender, String login, String hostname, String message) {
		if(!message.startsWith("$")) {
		String[] cArr = parse(message);
		String cmd = cArr[0].toUpperCase();		
		String[] cArgs = args(cArr);
		int len = 0;
		try {
			len = cArgs.length;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			len = 0;
		Integer l = new Integer(len);
		CommandAction cAct;		
		Vector rMsg = new Vector();
		if((cAct = ((CommandAction)cmdMap.get(cmd))) != null) {
			HashMap cData = new HashMap();			
			rMsg = cAct.action(cArgs, cData);
		else { }
		if(rMsg == null) { return; }		
		for(int i = 0; i < rMsg.size(); i++) {				
	public String getReason() {
			return "OH NOES.";
	public void onMessage(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname, String message) {
		if(!message.startsWith("$")) {
		String[] cArr = parse(message);
		String cmd = cArr[0].toUpperCase();		
		String[] cArgs = args(cArr);
		int len = 0;
		try {
			len = cArgs.length;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			len = 0;
		Integer l = new Integer(len);
		CommandAction cAct;		
		Vector rMsg = new Vector();
		if((cAct = ((CommandAction)cmdMap.get(cmd))) != null) {
			HashMap cData = new HashMap();
			rMsg = cAct.action(cArgs, cData);
		else { }
		if(rMsg == null) { return; }		
		for(int i = 0; i < rMsg.size(); i++) {				
	//public void onConnect() {
	public static boolean makeFile(String name) {
		boolean success = false;
		try {
			File file = new File(name);				
			success = file.createNewFile();			
		} catch (IOException e) {
		return success;
	public static boolean deleteFile(String name) throws IOException {
		boolean success = (new File(name)). delete();
		return success;
	public static void write(BufferedWriter out, String line) throws IOException {
	public boolean addCommand(String name, CommandAction cmd) {				
		return true;

public class mXeBot {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		final Bot bot = new Bot();
		Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in);
		System.out.print("Join what room on connect? ");
		String room = kbd.nextLine();
		bot.addCommand("roll", new CommandAction() {
							public Vector action(String[] arg, HashMap cData) {
								NumberFormat percent = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
								int len = ((Integer)cData.get("args")).intValue();
								String name = (String)cData.get("sender");
								Vector ret = new Vector();
								if(len==0) {
									ret.add("Error: You didn't specify a dice amount. Try $help roll for help.");									
								} else {
									String [] roll = arg[0].split("d");
									int left = 0;
									int right = 0;
									try {
										left = Integer.parseInt(roll[0]);
										right = Integer.parseInt(roll[1]);
									} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
										ret.add("Error: Could not roll " + arg[0] + ". Try again, perhaps?");	
										return ret;
									if(left > 30) {
										ret.add("Error: You can't roll more than 30 of any type of die.");
										return ret;
									if(left < 0) {
										ret.add("You can't roll less than none of something. That's basic math, and logic, " + name + ". What is wrong with you?");
										return ret;
									if(right < 0) {
										ret.add("Pardon me, " + name + ", but I think it's a physical improbability for a die to have less than 0 sides.");
										return ret;
									if(right > 5000) {
										ret.add("What are you trying to do, " + name + "? I mean, seriously. There's only so many physically feasible sides!");
										return ret;
									if(left == 0) {
										ret.add("You can't roll a zero amount of something... That's like... crazy. Shame on you, " + name + ".");
										return ret;
									if(right == 0) {
										ret.add("Well, isn't your sum obviously 0, " + name + "? How can something have 0 sides anyways?");
										return ret;
									Random rgen = new Random();
									String buf = "";
									double sum = 0;
									int temp = 0;
									for(int i = 0; i < left; i++) {
										sum += (temp = rgen.nextInt(right)+1);
										buf += (temp) + " ";										
									double total = left*right;
									double per = sum/total;
									ret.add(buf + "(Sum: " + (int)sum + " (out of a total possible " + (int)total + ") [" + percent.format(per) +"])");								
									return ret;
							public String help () {
								return "Usage: $roll <a>d<b>; rolls <a> <b>-sided dice.";
							public boolean priv() {
									return false;
							bot.addCommand("nick", new CommandAction() {
							public Vector action(String[] arg, HashMap cData) {								
								String type = (String)cData.get("type");
									return null;
								int len = ((Integer)cData.get("args")).intValue();																
								String name = (String)cData.get("sender");								
								Vector ret = new Vector();	
								if(len==0) {
									ret.add("Sorry, you seem to have forgotten to give a name.");
									return ret;								
								String to = arg[0];																	
								String admin = bot.getAdmin();
								if(name.equalsIgnoreCase(admin)) {
								} else {
										ret.add("I don't think you should be poking around so much.");
								return ret;
							public String help () {
								return "Usage: $nick <nick>; changes nick to <nick>";
							public boolean priv() {
									return true;
							bot.addCommand("join", new CommandAction() {
							public Vector action(String[] arg, HashMap cData) {								
								String type = (String)cData.get("type");
									return null;
								int len = ((Integer)cData.get("args")).intValue();																
								String name = (String)cData.get("sender");								
								Vector ret = new Vector();	
								if(len==0) {
									ret.add("Sorry, you seem to have forgotten to give a channel name.");
									return ret;								
								String to = arg[0];									
								String admin = bot.getAdmin();
								if(name.equalsIgnoreCase(admin)) {
									if(bot.inChan(to)) {
										ret.add("Sorry, I'm already in that channel...");
										return ret;`
								} else {
										ret.add("I don't think you should be poking around so much.");
								return ret;
							public String help () {
								return "Usage: $join <chan>; joins <chan>";
							public boolean priv() {
									return true;
							bot.addCommand("depart", new CommandAction() {
							public Vector action(String[] arg, HashMap cData) {								
								String type = (String)cData.get("type");
									return null;
								int len = ((Integer)cData.get("args")).intValue();																
								String name = (String)cData.get("sender");								
								Vector ret = new Vector();	
								if(len==0) {
									ret.add("Sorry, you seem to have forgotten to give a channel name..");
									return ret;								
								String to = arg[0];	
								String reason = "";
								if(len==2) {
									reason = arg[1];																	
								String admin = bot.getAdmin();
								if(name.equalsIgnoreCase(admin)) {									
									if(!bot.inChan(to)) {
										ret.add("Sorry, I'm not in that channel...");
										return ret;
								} else {
										ret.add("I don't think you should be poking around so much.");
								return ret;
							public String help () {
								return "Usage: $depart <chan> [reason]; departs from <chan>, optionally with [reason] as the reason.";
							public boolean priv() {
									return true;
		bot.addCommand("hi", new CommandAction() {
							public Vector action(String[] arg, HashMap cData) {								
								Vector ret = new Vector();
								ret.add("Hello, "+((String)cData.get("sender"))+".");
								return ret;
							public String help() {
								return "Usage: $hi; No real point.";
							public boolean priv() {
									return false;
		bot.addCommand("help", new CommandAction() {
							public Vector action(String[] arg, HashMap cData) {
								Vector ret = new Vector();								
								Map cmdMap = (Map)cData.get("cmdMap");
								String buf = "";
								int length = ((Integer)cData.get("args")).intValue();
								if(length==0) {
									ret.add("AVAILABLE COMMANDS\n");									
									Set mapset = cmdMap.entrySet();
									Iterator it = mapset.iterator();
									while(it.hasNext()) {
											Map.Entry ent = (Map.Entry)it.next();
											String key = (String)ent.getKey();
												buf += key.toLowerCase() + " "; 															
									ret.add("To get help for a specific command, type $help <cmd>");
								} else {
										String n = arg[0];
										CommandAction cmd = (CommandAction)cmdMap.get(n.toUpperCase());
										if(cmd.priv()) {
											if(((String)cData.get("sender")).equals(bot.getAdmin()) && ((String)cData.get("type")).equals("onPrivateMessage")) {
												return null;
										if(cmd == null) {
											ret.add("Error: command " + n + " not found.");
										} else {																						
								return ret;
							public String help() {
								return "Usage: $help [cmd]; gets help for cmd if given, else lists commands.";
							public boolean priv() {
									return false;
							bot.addCommand("bash", new CommandAction() {
							public Vector action(String[] arg, HashMap cData) {
								Vector ret = new Vector();								
								int len = ((Integer)cData.get("args")).intValue();
								String out ="";
								if(len==0) {
									out = fetch(-1);																		
								}	else {
									int ind = -1;
									try {
										ind = Integer.parseInt(arg[0]);
									} catch (NumberFormatException e) { 
										ret.add("Error: I expected a number... why not give me one?");
										return ret;
									out = fetch(ind);															
								String[] splitStr = out.split("\n");
								for(int i = 0; i < splitStr.length; i++) {
									String line = splitStr[i];
									line = "          " + line.replace("<br />","");
								return ret;
							private String getPage(int index) {
								String url = "http://bash.org/?";
								StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
									url += "random";
									url += index;
								try {
									URL u = new URL(url);
									InputStream in = u.openStream();
									BufferedInputStream read = new BufferedInputStream(in);									
									int dat = 0;
									while((dat = read.read())!=-1) {
								} catch (Exception e) {
									return "Could not get the quote.";
								return buf.toString();
							private String fetch(int index) {
								String page = getPage(index);								
								String ret = "";
								String id = (new Integer(index)).toString();
								if(page.matches("does not exist"))
									ret = "Error: quote #"+index+" does not exist.";
								else {	
									Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("<b>#([0-9]+)</b>",Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);
									Matcher mat = pat.matcher(page);									
									if(mat.find()) {
										id = mat.group(1);
									pat = Pattern.compile("<p class=\"qt\">(.*?)</p>",Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL );																		
									mat = pat.matcher(page);									
									if(mat.find()) {
										ret = "ID: " + id + "<br />\n"+mat.group(1);
									} else {
										ret = "Couldn't find quote with ID: " + id;
									ret = ret.replace("&quot;","\"");
									ret = ret.replace("&amp;","&");
									ret = ret.replace("&lt;","<");
									ret = ret.replace("&gt;",">");
									ret = ret.replace("&nbsp;","&");
								return ret;
							public String help() {
								return "Usage: $bash [num]; if num is given, fetches that quote from bash.org, else, gets a random quote.";
							public boolean priv() {
									return false;
							bot.addCommand("op", new CommandAction() {
							public Vector action(String[] arg, HashMap cData) {								
								Vector ret = new Vector();										
								String ch = (String)cData.get("channel");								
								if(bot.isValid(((String)cData.get("sender")))) {
									return ret;
								if(!bot.isOp(ch)) {
									ret.add("Sorry, I don't have operator or higher privileges.");
									return ret;
								String name = "";
								int len = ((Integer)cData.get("args")).intValue();
								if(((String)(cData.get("type"))).equals("onPrivateMessage")) {
									if(len != 2) {}
									else {
										ch = arg[0];
										name = arg[1];
								} else {								
									if(len == 0) {
										return ret;
									name = arg[0];
									System.out.println(bot.isOp(ch) + "LOLZ?????");
								return ret;
							public String help() {
								return "Usage: $op [chan] <name>; op's name. (on chan if in pm)";
							public boolean priv() {
									return true;
							bot.addCommand("dop", new CommandAction() {
							public Vector action(String[] arg, HashMap cData) {								
								String ch = (String)cData.get("channel");
								Vector ret = new Vector();										
								String name = "";
								if(bot.isValid(((String)cData.get("sender")))) {
									return ret;
								if(!bot.isOp(ch)) {
									ret.add("Sorry, I don't have operator or higher privileges.");
									return ret;
								int len = ((Integer)cData.get("args")).intValue();
								if(((String)(cData.get("type"))).equals("onPrivateMessage")) {
									if(len != 2) {}
									else {
										ch = arg[0];
										name = arg[1];
								} else {								
									if(len == 0) {
										return ret;
									name = arg[0];
								if(name.equals(bot.getNick())) {
									ret.add("I don't think so.");
								System.out.println(bot.isOp(ch) + "LOLZ?????");
								if(bot.isValid(((String)cData.get("sender")))) {
								return ret;
							public String help() {
								return "Usage: $dop [chan] <name>; deOp's name. (use chan if in pm)";
							public boolean priv() {
									return true;
mongel88's avatar
mongel88 12 years ago

Awesome dudeā€¦:p