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A quick and simple example of CSS - CSS Code Bank
A quick and simple example of CSS
A quick example that shows a few ways to use css and a few ways to implement it into your documents.
/*you can group multiple items to a single stat group.*/
body, h1, h2, h3 {background:black; color:green}
/*you can define multiple stats for a single item, EG:
<table class='one'> or <table class='two'>.*/
table.one {background:red;
table.two {background:blue;
/*This can be added into a http document several ways...
One is to use style tags in the head section... EG:*/
<style type='text/css'>
/*you css code*/
/*alternatively, link it in the head section...*/
<link rel='stylesheet' href='linkto/cssfile.css' type='text/css'>
/*There is one other way, but it somewhat defeats the point of css...
can be used on 'one off' elements, when others have been set properly...*/
<table style='background:yellow; color:green' width='100%'>
K3174N 420 16 years ago
Gah, hideous highlighted comments >.< be gone!… I added this because there was just no CSS examples…
Heres an example. :)
K3174N 420 16 years ago
Woot, can edit code! byebye highlighted comments. :) (would of just edited my 1st post if I could edit my own comments… Hint Hint ;))