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HBH Development Update

HBH Development Update

I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on the development of version 3.0.0 and my plan for the next few months. Around two weeks ago, we published our first three timed challenges for the community to complete, with a further four currently being tested. We have also pushed a number of fixes to some background systems for monitoring, logging and performance to production. For version 3.0.0 we have completed the following systems:

I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on the development of version 3.0.0 and my plan for the next few months.

Around two weeks ago, we published our first three timed challenges for the community to complete, with a further four currently being tested. We have also pushed a number of fixes to some background systems for monitoring, logging and performance to production. For version 3.0.0 we have completed the following systems:

  • RBAC system,
  • Login system
  • MFA system
  • User settings system
  • Register system
  • Lost password system
  • Issue system
  • Challenge core
  • Articles system
  • Link shorter
  • Theme updates
  • API system for the Timed challenges

One of the big updates is our new RBAC system which is a system that we have needed to improve since founding HBH. This system will offer us the ability to bring in more staff to help support the site and more developers and challenge developers to help with version 3.0.0 and beyond. The RBAC system will be a huge improvement that very few people will see but something that we needed to ensure the growth of the site and it allows me to pass some tasks over to other staff to allow me more time to develop the site and its infrastructure along with running the company that manages HBH.

The timed challenges currently need to work with CSRF tokens and login system adding unnecessary complexity to them however with version 3.0.0 we wanted to simply this and also use a common system for people to interactive with the site via scripts. So with version 3.0.0 we added the timed challenges to our API to simplify the code and also give an understanding of API systems and how to work with them to the site.

I also want to show off the new article system, which has a better navigation system and also allows articles to be split up into parts to make the overall reading experience of a longer article better. Please see the screenshot below.

Article index page

Article category page

Article page

I also wanted to update people that over the next few months I won’t be around much as unfortunately my surgery late last year hasn’t worked and I will be going for another major operation in the few weeks. As a result progress on version 3.0.0 will stall for the next few months, however once I return we will pick up progress and finish the forum and a number of other systems and then open the site up for testing while we keep working on the challenges and Labs with the members of the community to ensure the challenges are the best they can be.

If you have any questions or suggestions please do let us know.

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