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HBH Development Update

HBH Development Update

We are currently putting the finish touches to the next version of HBH 2.0.16 which is a small update to the site. However, we are also working on HBH version 3.0.0 which will be a huge update to HBH and all our challenges. We will post more information about HBH version 3.0.0 closer to the time of release, however we can say here that no point will be reset!

With version 2.0.16 we have added back the Timed Challenges and we will also be releasing a python script to show how to connect to HBH. With these challenges before HBH version 2.0.0 we would use HBH’s cookies to connect to the timed challenges, however as we do not use cookies for authentication anymore this would no longer work. Also, with the current version of HBH it is a little more complex to connect to HBH as is required in the timed challenges. The python script is just an example of how to connect and complete the challenge. In HBH version 3.0.0 this will be changed to use our API which will become public in version 3.0.0.

We are also adding a new challenge category called Reverse Engineering. These challenges are very much like the Application Cracking Challenges currently however with the plans for these challenges in the future it needed a new challenge category. We currently have 3 challenges in this category and the applications for these challenges now offer Linux and macOS versions of the application, so you do not ‘need’ Windows to do these challenges. We have several ideas for further challenges in this category and look forward to your feedback on the challenges, we would also like to thank @futility for creating these new challenges.

We also have Realistic 1 in testing currently with a new UI and a different style to complete the challenge which will prepare you for how the Labs work and get completed. Unfortunately, we do not think that Realistic 1 will be public on release of HBH version 2.0.16 however it will be on the site for some members of the community to test before becoming public.

With HBH version 2.0.16 we have also fixed several SEO issues across the site and fixed some issues in the core of the site, reducing our resource usage across our application servers. You can view the full changes in this version once published via our changelog. With this version and its changes, we have been able to make some substantial changes to our infrastructure to reduce some of the operating costs of the HBH to ensure we can keep the site online.

We ask that all members of the community disable their ad blocker for HBH as that is the main source of income for the site and if you are financially stable in the current climate you can donate to HBH using this link.

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