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Changes to HBH

Changes to HBH

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There has been a few changes to HBH over the past few weeks. Here are a list of changes and some reason why:

We have removed the old database tables and reset the points. This is due to old and corrupted accounts and no way for other members to get on the score board, Points cannot and will not be reinstated. We have also removed user accounts that haven't logged in in over a year.

We have two new staff members Euforia33 & rex_mundi they have been a great help to HBH over the years!

We also have improved the forum and replaced some old code which should make things faster.


HBH Staff

Zer0Man's avatar
Zer0Man 11 years ago

Took me ages to get the points that I had before the re-set! :o

What_A_Legend's avatar
What_A_Legend 11 years ago

Yea, I too am not happy about this. Just because I am not overly active now and again does not mean I do not drop in now and again, and to be told I cannot post in the forums was also a joke!

I understand the rankings pages was unfair to newer members, I get there are a lot of lapsed members but lapsed members should be reset to 0, but on re-login should have their points re-assigned as they are no longer lapsed.

rex_mundi's avatar
rex_mundi 11 years ago

Personally I don't see the problem in that. Getting 250 points takes virtually no time as you should already know as an active member.

For example, I doubt you had to completely redo the application missions, but rather simply resubmitted the passwords from notes you saved previously.

rex_mundi's avatar
rex_mundi 11 years ago

Also, other members seem to have completed Real 17 and 18 first, as they have the required points, and could post within minutes.

0xDC's avatar
0xDC 11 years ago

Does this mean that all problems are resolved as well, because if that's the case I would like to report some issues (again).

Thanks and please let me know.

Cheers, 0xDC

reaper4334's avatar
reaper4334 11 years ago

I'm with ynori and What_A_Legend on this one. Some of us have been around here for years (longer than most of the current admins, as ynori said) and so we shouldn't have to redo challenges just to be able to post.

What_A_Legend describe a pretty simple solution to the problem that would've worked much better and wouldn't have been difficult to implement.

I used to check every now and then for new challenges that had been added that I hadn't completed (as I had completed the majority of them) and give them a go. I can't do that anymore without redoing all of the challenges I'd already completed - which I have no interest in repeating. Also, why is it that "Points cannot and will not be reinstated."? When there was a problem with the scores a while back, the staff were happy to restore the points of individual users who requested it.

rex_mundi - "I doubt you had to completely redo the application missions, but rather simply resubmitted the passwords from notes you saved previously" That might have worked, if it weren't that I completed most of the challenges almost 8 years ago.

Of course it's only a coincidence that, although this was for "new members to get a chance", the top of the rankings is taken up by the current staff.

I just can't figure out why HBH isn't as popular these days, with such good management and all.

reaper4334's avatar
reaper4334 11 years ago

sigh Apologies for the previous message being one big chunk - I did pan it out a little, but it seams line breaks are removed in this comments section.

rex_mundi's avatar
rex_mundi 11 years ago

Sorry you feel like that man, but obviously you can't please everyone, and I can assure you for every 1 member that has complained about the reset, there are 20+ who have fully supported it.

As for staff being happy to restore the points of individual users before, some were also happy to award points to themselves and their friends, this was one of the reasons that contributed to the reset in the first place.

No, it's not a coincidence the present staff are all in the top 10, as we were all in the top 10 before the reset, and for as long as I've been a member of HBH admins or ex admins have filled most of the top 10 positions.

Apart from 10-20 old members, the top 100 is entirely made up of newer members, or older members who would never have got on the rankings board before, so in that respect it has been a total success.

As for HBH no longer being popular, if the older members hang around and maybe redo the old challenges and contribute to the forum etc, the site will be just fine.

Mordak's avatar
Mordak 11 years ago

@reaper4334 What_A_Legend suggestion for how the point reset should have been done, was tested and didn't work. As for points the only point that will be added again is the HoF and the Created challenges points. They will be added once we have finished the 1.3 update.

reaper4334's avatar
reaper4334 11 years ago

"I can assure you for every 1 member that has complained about the reset, there are 20+ who have fully supported it" - Can you really? Not to be pessimistic, but I doubt those numbers. And now to be pessimistic, if those numbers are correct, it's probably something to do with the fact that the rest of the people can't be bothered to waste their time redoing challenges to be able to post their thoughts, which will more than likely go ignored, rejected or dismissed, as usual. "As for staff being happy to restore the points of individual users before, some were also happy to award points to themselves and their friends" - Irrelevant. On the occasions that they restored points for members due to failures in the system, they only did so with proof (e.g. often a google cache of the member's profile). There has been no attempt to even implement this, with no proper reason as to why not, other than probably laziness. "What_A_Legend suggestion for how the point reset should have been done, was tested and didn't work." - That means you did it wrong. How exactly didn't it work, may I ask? I could understand if it were beyond time feasibility to implement - but if you truly did test an attempt at this solution and it didn't work then surely you would have been able to post some kind of warning regarding the points reset in a prior news post to give people some warning that all the time they've spent on the site is being thrown away. Hell - could've even made a thread about it and got some input from the very people that this was apparently to help. There are many very skilled members of this community that could have offered suggestions.

korg's avatar
korg 11 years ago

I agree the points reset could have been done differently and maybe more efficient, There was no vote on how it was to be done. The plain and simple fact of the matter is, If you did the challenges once you learned something and should be able to blaze right back through them. I don't think it took me more than an hour to complete what I had. Plus it's a good refresher for everyone. Stop bitchin' and get your points back.

reaper4334's avatar
reaper4334 11 years ago

Well, at least you didn't try and give bullshit excuses.. but still, I was trying to emphasise the lack of communication with the community is a problem, not just on the points reset. I do agree with "stop bitchin' and get your points back" though. I will start the challenges again soon :).