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Community Points?

Community Points?

<img src='http://www3.waterstones.com/wat/images/special/mag/help_intro.jpg' style='margin:5px;' align='left' height='100' width='100'>HBH has a new feature: Community Points.

Basically its to encourage community interaction and improvement. You get community points for posting helpful forum posts, helping another member, adding to the sites content etc etc.

Community Points are designed a way to increase the helpfulness and productivity of the community and cut down on the amount of negative posts.

HBH has also broken the 20,000 members barrier! Keep on spreading the word!

HBH has a new feature: Community Points.

Community Points are designed a way to increase the helpfulness and productivity of the community and cut down on the amount of negative posts.

You get community points by doing the following:

<span class='small'>* These are not replacing hbh points, CP and hbh points are seperate and in this case both will be awarded.

Then theres a certain level of points that will award you a icon displayed under your avatar in profiles and forums for others to see how much you've contribued to the community and how valid your posts are etc. We are also updating peoples profiles who have already submitted articles etc, so previous article submissions will count towards CP, but previous forum posts will not.

Forum posts are monitored by admins and/or forum moderators. If they feel your post if worthy of CP they will update it there and then. CP in forums is only affected in the "Computer General". so any other category is neutral.

Ofcourse this system works both ways, if theres negative forum posts, or useless time wasting "other / logical" submissions, then CP will be deducted. -500 CP and your account is banned.

Community Points will not in any way affect your current hbh points. Points gained from challenges are completely seperate to community points.

So there we have it. Thats hbh's new feature for the week. Its gonna be kept getting added to each time we have something new etc. Also its still in its final stage of development, i.e forum icons displaying etc, so please bare with us until its 100%. Which it will be by the end of the day. Hopefully this should reduce negative comments and boast hbh's constructive and helpful articles/forum posts.

Best Regards,

  • HBH Staff
jaggedlancer's avatar
jaggedlancer 17 years ago

Cool, nice idea…i love helping people (and being helped :p) so i think this is a great feature :D

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

So far I think the idea is a brilliant concept but has some serious issues. 1) What about posts which people ask for help in the general computing? 2) What about the huge number of poor quality articles? 3) What about challenges which have already been created? (Same applies for competitions) Apart from those things, which I guess you will be addressing soon, cool idea

Mr_Cheese's avatar
Mr_Cheese 17 years ago

  1. nothing. only helpful feedback is counted.
  2. tough. article selection is now more strict but previous articles will get CP.
  3. only previous challenges, articles and podcasts will be updated with CP

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

great idea, but when will these changes come in to affect?

Also will mentoring award cp?

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

are admins going to award these points? if so youre giving yourselves a tough job going through all those forum posts O.o

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Perhaps they are going to add more moderators..

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 17 years ago

There has been 2 new mods added so far

Mr_Cheese's avatar
Mr_Cheese 17 years ago

and old forum posts wont be processed, so only future forum posts, which is around on average 5 per day in the "COmputer General" which im sure existing mods can handle.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

lol I would like to be mod (forums). I have spare time to check that things. :)

jaggedlancer's avatar
jaggedlancer 17 years ago

@Kaksii, im not sure your allowed to ask :p cough Pick Me!!! cough…Just clearing my throat ;)

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Alright, i have a couple of questions. 1.) Is there a specific guideline to what differentiates a good post from a bad post. 2.) Is there a feature that tells a person when they try to give cp to a post that cp was already given to that post? Say all the mods look at a post and they all think it was helpful and they ALL add cp without knowing if someone already added it or not? Was this thought of? 3.) Is there anything useful that comes from this feature or is it just some karma system that several other sites have already implemented. 4.) Is there a guideline/system to how many points it takes to get x icon? 5.) What's with this yellow blob as an icon i have on my profile?

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 17 years ago

the "yellow blob" is the current "badge" type thing because you have 100 cp's or more, (but less than 250), the image will be changing soon, dunno about the other q's though

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

wish i had thought of this for ZI…. :P

What_A_Legend's avatar
What_A_Legend 17 years ago

Sorry but does that not mean my CP points are incorrect? At this current moment in time I have 30, which account for my two articles which is correct. It says comps entered will receive points I think you might find I won a comp if you check news archive (of which I never received any of the prizes even after contacting cheese). As well as I'm missing CP points for the challenges I created for HBH. Also Bit of a layout issue on this page :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

What's the advantage of having any, or is it just the knowledge you get a forum icon to prove your helpfulness?

richohealey's avatar
richohealey 17 years ago

well, for a start it encourages people to help others, and it means that if you see womeone with a deely under their name, you konw that their advice will definately be good. I think that you should get a i suck badge if you have negative CP… as well

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Can you see the badges in the forum? Is there a way to recommend posts as "good"

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Well, I guess it's an alright idea, but I have the feeling that giving certain mods the right to give off points to those who they think deserve it will just end in the mods giving points to their friends more often than the average HBHer. However, I'm all up for encouraging helpfulness and good quality articles and posts, if you can make it work.

AldarHawk's avatar
AldarHawk 17 years ago

So people with past article submissions will be added into this? What exactally is being used for the mods pointage? If the mod like the user then there could be a little corruption here. (But I guess you have handled that already…) What about users who have submitted Challenges but not been shown in their Profile about it coughmecough? But it seems like a great idea all in all…:evil:

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 17 years ago

"So people with past article submissions will be added into this?" They've already been added.