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Staff Update

Staff Update

Hello HBH, as you may have seen, I haven’t been on as much as I usually am. This is because I am moving and only get to use a computer when I see an internet cafe. I bought a laptop so I will be able to talk to HBH while I am on the road this summer. I get my laptop around June 1st (Alienware has slow shipping btw) so I will be on sporadically until then. Sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused any of you. Also, I would recommend Mr_Cheese for the Interview for the newsletter because he started Hellbound Hackers, and without him, we would not be here today. We would also Thank Ghostlyhacker for contributing with the site for the past months… It seems that he would be gone for a while and he will not be here aswell. We have had a nice time with you Ghostlyhacker and GoodLuck.

Mr_Cheese's avatar
Mr_Cheese 18 years ago

have fun moving house. Also, make sure you get wireless for your laptop, so you can steal other peoples internet!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

lol i got it, and not that i would or anything ;) also got 2GB of ram in a 3.8pound computer so i can do it fast too. B)