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A Note to Google Users on Net Neutrality

A Note to Google Users on Net Neutrality

The Internet as we know it is facing a serious threat. There's a debate heating up in Washington, DC on something called "net neutrality" and it's a debate that's so important Google is asking you to get involved. We're asking you to take action to protect Internet freedom.

In the next few days, the House of Representatives is going to vote on a bill that would fundamentally alter the Internet. That bill, and one that may come up for a key vote in the Senate in the next few weeks, would give the big phone and cable companies the power to pick and choose what you will be able to see and do on the Internet.

Submitted by SwiftNomad Read more: <a href='http://www.google.com/help/netneutrality.html'>Here

The Internet as we know it is facing a serious threat. There's a debate heating up in Washington, DC on something called "net neutrality" and it's a debate that's so important Google is asking you to get involved. We're asking you to take action to protect Internet freedom.

In the next few days, the House of Representatives is going to vote on a bill that would fundamentally alter the Internet. That bill, and one that may come up for a key vote in the Senate in the next few weeks, would give the big phone and cable companies the power to pick and choose what you will be able to see and do on the Internet.

Today the Internet is an information highway where anybody – no matter how large or small, how traditional or unconventional – has equal access. But the phone and cable monopolies, who control almost all Internet access, want the power to choose who gets access to high-speed lanes and whose content gets seen first and fastest. They want to build a two-tiered system and block the on-ramps for those who can't pay.

Creativity, innovation and a free and open marketplace are all at stake in this fight. Please call your representative (202-224-3121) and let your voice be heard.

Thanks for your time, your concern and your support.

Submitted by SwiftNomad Read more: <a href='http://www.google.com/help/netneutrality.html'>Here

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

What is the world coming too! It was only a matter of time before this happened though, have you seen the AOL adverts for the internet being a bad place because it has porn on it and you can sell a baby on it! Notice how it only portrays the bad things. I think there shall be a lot of wardrivers parked in BIG company car parks using their wifi connection don't you think, i know i will be!

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

If it happens i'm forming an organisation of hacker hitmen, taking down the people that made it happen one by one. Don't forget, hacking is a lifestyle. White hat hackers are a valuable asset to buisnesses occasionally so i don't see what the fuck the fat dip shit american government can come up with as an excuse to destroy our free will. I thought America was ment to be the land of free speech not the land of censorship. This is an evolution in technology that many people, most people love. If this vote reaches the polls in the UK i'm going to burn the house of parlament to ashes and piss on them. Ah! It makes me so angry i'm gonna have to drink a cup of tea immediatly for this outrage!!

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

This is bullshit… America has turned into a totalitarian state. The fuckin republicans have control of all three branches and Bush is a fuckin fascist. Whitehates, Blackhats, and greyhats will fight this one toghether…

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

I tried to sign the permission but as im in the UK it said it doesn't affect me so i'm not in a position to sign…. WTF! I am affected and i do want to sign. It's like someone telling you what you do or don't want.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

If this would happen it would be by far the greatest "war" hackers will have ever fought. I will be ready.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Flash i have the same problem with being in the UK, of course it will affect the UK! Tony Blair is so far up Bush's ass he's licking Bush's lips!

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Lol, well said AlphPup. And i'm with Elitest_00 and Grindordie, it doesn't matter what fucking hat you are, hackers will have taken what ever bullshit precautions that are put up. The white hackers that put them there will probably put big ass holes in them caues there completely pissed by the fucking noobend that is George Bush and his shit ass congress laws that are a complete joke.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

This is so freaking stupid what is with our goverment. If that bill is passed I am going to turn black hat. This so pisses me off I cant even explain it

Mr_Cheese's avatar
Mr_Cheese 17 years ago

IF it does get passed, it wont be for quite some time, and IF it goes get passed i can see nearly every single hacker out there turning black hat, in another "project m4yh3m" style rebellion.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Also think what this will do to certain sites…. Hackers make the goverment sqeal like pigs… will sites like HTS and HBH be turned off? If this does get passed I am buying me a laptop and I will work day and night with every other hacker to fix this problem…

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Ya i have to agree with Elitest_00 what will happen if this bill gets past and HBH and HTS go bye bye. Lets hope that it doesnt.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

this is bullshit ! No WAY is this going to happen. If that gets past then the american government is gonna have a few thousand hacker's up it's arse. This doesn't just affect america, this affects the whole internet and all it's users :@

ksarto's avatar
ksarto 17 years ago

well this is bullshit……much like the other laws the government suggests……our freedom is decreasing by the second it suxors….. but I doubt it will be signed……..but if it does …..well shit im gonna do what elitest_00 is gonna do……

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

project m4yh3m, wo0t. sign me up. rofl. seriously, it's bullshit. let's all just hope this bill doesn't pass. and for the U.S people here.. call the number!!!! let your voice be heard.. even if you're underage.. it may mean more..

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

This will not only affect americans, but the whole world! FUCK!!!!

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

I might not be the best hacker in the world, but if this happens, ill become the best I can as fast as i can, with a laptop, and wifI!

FFS! I mean. this is rediculous, and yet it was predicted a few years ago, there is a hacking game…. BS hacker (back street, bot bullshit), They said, that, farfetched as it seemed, they predicted all the stuff in the game to happen. the plot was of the internet being taken over by big companies, and the old net was left for the average joe, without maintainance. in the game you have to hack the new net, and make it free for all to use.

if that bill gets passed, ill help reinacet that game!

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

well, i happened to stumble onto HBH and im glad to say i did….i agree with Mr_Cheese when he says it could become another "project m4yh3m" style rebellion……im a hardware guy myself, ive dabbled in programming and taken a look at hacking….tho i probably couldnt hack a toaster with wut i know i'll damned sure drop every spare hour and penny i have into learning this lifestyle. i will not stand by while the government screws with freewill on the internet in what is the largest scheme ive ever seen to promote censorship

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

holy shit this is bullshit. man i dont even have words to describe this kinda BS anymore…i give up.

does anyone ever wonder what happened to the "good ole days" and how we got away from them…days when everyone you met wasnt a power/money hungry prick? Where people waved to each other on hte street corneres? where everyone in black wasnt a petafile?


ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

ah i think it will turn out to be a good thing. for the elite hackers.

it will make the weak posers fall, and the elite will come back and have that glorious meaning brought back to the name.

just think tho.. making units to modify your connection value and such? it will be like internet phreaking in a way.

i hope this happens.

we need something new to do anyways. jus7 r3m3mb32 743 b10ck5

Neo_Chalchus's avatar
Neo_Chalchus 17 years ago

I hereby accuse you, Frozen Flame, of blasephamy and sacrilige to the Hacker Religion! No, I get what you mean, but the opening of new tricks does not compare to the harm it could do. I have written several letters (27) to variouse officials of different rank about this issue, my only qualm is of my age, where as I am to young to vote. My favorite letter I am thinking of publishing somewhere where people will see it. I'm sure I can find an online article submission Net for people talking about freedoms.