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Email and Myspace SE

Email and Myspace SE

By ghostghost | 6838 Reads |
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Many people have a myspace these days, and not to offend you all, but a good number of you people that have them are stupid. I said most of you are stupid because you're the ones who are utterly obsessed with it. It takes up the majority of your time online (along with HBH apparently) and is slowly making you into a mindless drone. Do you know how many people have been beaten up at school or on the streets because of myspace posts? 56 (and counting) just in my small town alone. This article might get the count up a bit higher.

SE for emails attached to Myspace

First off we're going to do the target's email that is attached to their Myspace account. Just ask the target this question, as it is harmless. If you don't want to do that, then just ask them what their email is 'so you can send them something funny', and you'll most likely hit on their Myspace account. You're playing a character here, so feel free to make up something more like, "I'm going to send you this thing that gives you a million new myspace layouts to choose from and has tons of generators. What's the email you use for myspace?" No one objects to that.

Now that you've got that email you can begin the more complicated (though utterly simple) SE process. You normally would be talking to the person on myspace itself, PMs through a site, or an Instant Messenger. If you're just meeting the person then this is cake, but if you've known them for a while it's even easier, except for the last part. On most email servers, you're going to have to fill in certain information about yourself and then answer a secret question. If you know your target personally, fill in the information. If not, then ask questions. Pretend to be bored- really pretend to be bored even though you're online and they can't see you- it helps tremendously. You usually have to know their zip code, birthday, and country… that should be very easy to get out of them. Zip code is possibly the hardest, but I usually say I'm doing a project for a Geography class and that does the trick. There are also websites that will give you the zip code of a town you type in- google for them. Now you come to the secret question. This is VERY simple if you don't know the person. You can act like you're getting to know them and just ask something like, "What is your favorite pet's name?". If the question doesn't pertain to the target themselves so much, then you can easily just play the stupid myspace user card. I say things like, "I'm taking a myspace quiz and it's supposed to be about someone else. Will you take it?" The target has said "yes" every single time I've asked, so you should not have a problem. Then you can ask the question like, "What is your father's middle name?", which is a question you definitely don't ask if you're just getting to know someone. I use the "Myspace quiz" method for everyone now as opposed to the "getting to know you" method, as it is the easiest method for me. Now that you have their secret question answered you can get straight to the "New password" screen (should come up automatically after answering the secret question) and you can change the password to anything you want. Now go to myspace.com and click "forgot password" enter their email (embarrassing note: make sure the target is not online- I've made that mistake and almost gotten caught). Now check their email again and it'll give you their myspace password. Delete the email.

Straight Myspace SE

This one is tricky to do. I LOVE it when I get people who don't play online games and I need to SE them. Via myspace messages (or IM) I can do some serious, yet easy damage. I use the VERY old method of "it stars out your password when you type it!", with a tiny extra twist. I tell them that I just found something cool about my account on myspace. It stars () out my password and anyone who types their password to me on myspace. I type "*********" to show them an example of my password, and I ask if it stars it out. Then I ask them for theirs so I can make sure it works. Bam. I'm done.

Another method of doing this is talking about how simple passwords can be and using your own (fake of course) as an example. Assuming the person doesn't know you're a hacker, this works wonderfully. I say something like, "I've noticed how a lot of people have crazy passwords, so I got one too. It's "imafag1". lol. Do you have a stupid one too?" They answer "no" or "yes", and I then ask what it is. Simple as that. Very easy, ameture stuff.

Straight Email SE

You could use the method described above on IM to SE the target's secret question and personal information out of them, but I like to use alternative methods as well just to mix things up a bit. I like to use the "Expert Hacker" method. This one is a great one because it utilizes the fact that you know more about computers than the average person. Here's what to do: Add your target on IM and strike up a conversation. Get to know them, whatever. I like to ease the conversation into hacking and how I offer protection services for free. I make sure to include bits about how hackers piss me off because they always screw with people's stuff online. Remember: You have to pretend to hate the same things they do, and try to genuinely be your friend. They'd hate it if someone got into their email, and you have to pretend like you're here to rescue anyone in need. If you need to, tell a short story about stopping a hacker dead in his tracks and how he ended up with the virus he meant to give to you. I like to degrade myself as well, saying that I can't hack for anything, but I'm amazing with security. You can talk all kinds of fancy talk that doesn't make sense either, because, come on, the person will never know you're a fake. Now I ask them if they'd like me to check things out on their email (usually after saying a hacker is on the loose), and they usually agree. If not, then I pretend to take a look anyway and tell them they're vulnerable- this always gets a "yes" out of them. Then I ask them for their password so I can run it through the scanner. I assure them that after I'm done they can change it right back. They always fork it over. Now, you have two options.

  1. Screw them over right now and never talk to them again.
  2. Change their secret question and personal information that you need to enter if you forget your password so that you have a "backdoor" for later. I prefer method #2. I usually make the person from a country other than the U.S. just so I don't have to remember zip codes or states (in most cases), and then I change their personal question to fit myself and not them. Then I tell the target they can change their password and everything is secure.

You could ask the person to sign off of IM for a few minutes "so you can make security changes" while you really use myspace to email them their password. This way you can do the dirty work and not have to change a thing.

I know it was a bit long, but hopefully someone got some use out of it. I've met far too many people who have talked about wanting to use SE simply, yet effectively, and I decided to post this article. If anyone wants another one describing tweaks you can do to accounts to leave other "backdoors" for later use that are even less obvious, please say so. Comments are appreciated. :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Nice work. I would do this to my friends and save their asses when they are about to get beat up. All my friends freely post on myspace and now parents, TEACHERS and the PRINCIPAL are watching us, and they do not even realise it…

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Exactly- you don't get anything MOST of the time, though people will still get mad. I can't tell you how many times I've been offered money to fix someone's myspace after I messed it up without their knowledge. Yes, we really are being watched. I've tried to tell people to make their myspaces under false names, but do they listen? No. I was one of the stupid ones in the beginning too though…

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

STILL managed 2 get the article up huh? Nice one. I like it.


bl4ckc4t's avatar
bl4ckc4t 18 years ago

Truth…. Zipcode isnt THAT hard to find out. after all, I SE'd it out of you a long time ago.

on another note, The only thing usefull on this is the myspace quiz, I like the concept of it, it MIGHT just work on emails. 9/10 Bl4ckC4t

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Oh well. Zipcode has proven harder for me in the past. I don't even think you can call what you did SE though… oh well. And as for the rest- I said it was simple and ameture stuff. If you want more complicated stuff I'll be happy to oblige. ;) Thanks for the comment.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

lol, at first, i didnt get the first method. heheh, that is sneaky, lol

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Hey, for the person who doesnt know why it is fun to hack a myspace account. You can completely change all that they have done, like add a porn background are type in I am a fag. I did this to get back at what someone who had done wrong to me. And they got suspended from school. lol It was so hilarious

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Dude, most of these ways won't even work. But good job for trying.

Mess with the best, Die like the rest S1L3NT

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

good stuff.!

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

@50F7W4R3 - Most of these will work providing you have taken youe time getting to know the person. I went on hotmail.com, and created a new account and i looked for all of the input fields, icopied all of them down and all the secret questions, and then i used that as a To Find Out List, and after about a week i got pretty much everything i wanted off that target, good work ImprefectTruth. xD