Cum Security Toolkit
Cum Security Toolkit

The Cum Security Toolkit(CST) is a great tool to use. I have used this once or twice for puposes that will stay unknown. This is fast and easy to break into ports that are open, send a string to the open ports (user specified), and show their reply. It is more an enumeration / stress tool. You can scan seperate ports and/or portranges, and you can scan a single host, or supply a list with servers for bulk scanning. Thats the Port scanner.
Also the CGI Scanner, web vulnerability scanner, that scans using a database of scripts, files and directories (user editable). The sample databases included contain +2200 possibly vulnerable scripts/dirs. You can scan with or without using (multiple) proxy servers. The cgi scanner has +11 different anti-IDS tactics (hex-values, double slashes, self-reference directories, session splicing, parameter hiding, http misformatting, dos/win directory syntax, case sensitivity, null method processing, long urls, premature request ending and http 0.9 scans), and sends fake "X-Forwarded-For:", "Referer:" and "User-Agent:" headers to hide your scans even more.
You can also specify a waittime between 2 script fetches. The cgi scanner uses HEAD requests for faster scanning (you can scan using GET by providing an extra flag), and supports scanning virtual hosts. You can also specify another port to scan instead of the standard port 80, or another directory than the standard cgi-bin or scripts. The scanner outputs the scripts and/or directories that return a 200, 201, 202, 204, 403 or 401 HTTP code (you can specify other codes too using an extra flag) and outputs the target webserver software. You can scan single hosts, or supply a file with a list with targets for bulk scanning.
The CST security scanners are all in JAVA and to run them you need a Java runtime environment.
Sounds like fun? Want a CST?
Download here

ghost 19 years ago
Couldn't they come up with a better name for their Security Toolkit? Cum? That's just sick.

ghost 19 years ago
yeah, but it works. If you dont think of it like that. But it does sound like it. First it goes and finds the open "ports" and then it leaves "residue" behind.

ghost 19 years ago
Hey, I don't know about you, but I always know which ports I want to use and when :)

ghost 19 years ago
I know which ports i want as well. But its how you get in the ports is what counts. :p