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10 Reasons not to get an os

10 Reasons not to get an os

By ghostghost | 5808 Reads |
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First off lets take a step back. Lets not get into the hype of getting something you don't need. I cant see a single reason to get an operating system other than spend money and be popular online. An operating system is surely an upgrade you can do without.

Lets start with 1. You don't NEED it. What can an operating system do that you already can't?

  1. Cost. Why on earth would you spend money on an operating system? If your going to waste money go throw it at bums. 10 points for the crotch and 7 points for the eye. Its not mean either, they ask everybody to do it.

  2. Confusing. Why spend all day long learning how to manage an operating system when you don't have to have one in the first place?

  3. Driver support. With an operating system your going to have to get drivers for all of your computer components. Skip the struggle of drivers and don't get an operating system.

  4. Applications don't work. People on a mac can't use windows programs and people on windows can't use a mac. Like I said before skip the struggle of programs not working on different operating systems and don't get one at all.

  5. Virus protection. With an operating system your made a target for security loopholes and exploits such as worms, viruses, evil prank batch files, and all kinds of scary things. Without a operating system you don't have to worry about any of these things.

  6. New hardware. When you get an operating system you need all kinds of new and expensive things. Like a mouse and gpu! Those can cost a fortune and if your like me your busy throwing it at homeless people (again… they love it).

  7. More time saving features. If better file navigation is a must than no operating system is perfect. You can't place any files on it in the first place so you never have to worry about finding them or accidentally deleting them or overwriting them.

  8. Licensing. Never worry about getting caught with warez or downloading music. Never worry about buying a single program again. With no operating system you don't have to.

  9. You have no choice. Now that you have read this article you know you have no choice but to delete your windows/mac/linux whatever operating system you have.

-Disclaimer: If you get mugged for throwing money at people it is not my fault. You are responsible for your own actions.

P.S. I made this article because I was sick of all the talk about what operating system to get. Nobody really uses windows for specific things. What I mean is that… you play games on your computer you don't play windows. You type reports on your program. Not windows. You browse the internet on your firefox/ie/opera w/e. Not windows. Oh and I also don't throw money at people and never have. It is there as a small joke. I don't advise you to either it's pretty mean.

I am at 496 words so this little message should do it.

02nwood's avatar
02nwood 16 years ago

I rated poor…..

I-O-W-A's avatar
I-O-W-A 16 years ago

lol i cant beleive there is a discussion about how good or bad this article is lol its not even an article, its someone saying what the comments have been saying "STOP POSTING 10 REASON ARTICLES" coz now ppl are annoyed at it an probs wont lol i thought the article was funny

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

B) cool, I will speak machine from now on. jmp 12 int 21 … whoops, i dont know it yet :happy:

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

POOR article.