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The Rainbow Hat

The Rainbow Hat

By ghostghost | 8602 Reads |
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I started hacking, I guess, about a year ago. I was curious when the computer malfunctioned and looked into it. I began to learn the difference between whats good and bad in terms of hacking.

I joined HBH after I found Internet hacking was my real calling. I worked hard and made it to a high level. On attaining this I began to wonder what else there was to do an began exploring Black-Grey-White hats etc.

Each one of them was different to what I was.

White Hat

These people were the type of people I began to look to but then I saw their weaknesses. Their willingness to help others. This can be percieved as a good or a bad thing. As a good thing they train you to be a hacker. On the flipside they give information out in PERL files with a "Click to Hack" button for skiddies.

Grey Hats

What is a grey hat? Someone who doesn't know where they are or what to do? I believe that these people are the people who want to have a hat but like the idea of neither or both.

Another view is that grey hats are 'hacktivists'. This means that they attack sites from poliical or moral reasons. This sparks the problem of what is moral.

Black Hats

Not really much to say here. They are malicious and bad for the internet. The definition is; A malicious hacker who exploits - or publicises - a security weakness before informing the affected organisation. This destorys companies. How is that good?

So what was I to become? Where was I ment to go. I began to learn more and more programming languages and then I decided on a new theory. I called it "The Rainbow Hat".

The Rainbow Hat

This works on the principal that the hacker has decided to work for the good of the internet and to continue activities as a hacker.

These people work to help EVERYONE on the internet. This does not mean they help every single person but the work for the good of everyone. They work on patches and distribute them rather than showing exploits.

They work on open source. They do this so that other people benifit from their code directly.

They try to teach people without teaching them to harm.

They learn more and evolve with the internet forming new ideas as often as they can. They do not hate or discriminate. They do have personal opinions on racism and may join antiracist web hacking teams. They have a desire to improve the world.

In short. They work as guardians of the internet.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

"Black Hats Not really much to say here. They are malicious and bad for the internet. WTF!? Black Hat's are trying to save teh world…"

Ummmmmm yea no…. saving the world does not happen by going aroung and hacking anything you can get your hands on. If you think Black Hats are googd…. boy go slap yourself…

And lol on the Gay pride hat thing lol… Maybe Blue Hat? or Green Hat?

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

check out my username. I'm MaD-HaT. like a mad hat. But also from the mad hatter

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Cmon god dammit. Rainbow hat. Look if you want to try to bullshit hackers then well… I know a bigggg cliff buddy. Suggesting you just jump. Cmon man, no.

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago



that was his hat choice for SEO(search engine optimization)

and it includes a little of both, I think this is more along the lines of what mozzer was trying to say
