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Pad Lock Shim

Pad Lock Shim

By ghostghost | 4333 Reads |
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Many people say How do you break into my school lockers without a bolt cutter well its easy just follow my steps and you got it in no time :)

ok first off heres what you need

-beer bottel mickeys fine malt because it tastes better

-scissors to cut it duh

-sharpie to draw the lines you need to cut trust me its eaiser if you have a sharpie

How to Make

  1. make your cut on the liitle fold of the beer can. Flip your beer bottel or soada bottel on its side and the part were you put your lips to drink there should be a little fold right under that then there should be a nother fold this time a little bigger our goal is to end up with a cylinder at the end

  2. now that we cut the top off cur strait down and do what you did to the top to the bottom so we end up with a cylinder

  3. cut a stip about maybe 3 inches I guesss.

  4. you should have this long strip now cut it in half so you have 2 squares this makes 2 pieces

  5. take your sharpie and draw this http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y29/mafia_death2/Padlockshimpicture1.jpg

  6. you want to cut the inside of the M so on the outside you have these taps that you need

  7. Fold theese taps up

  8. now snip anything you want try to make it smaller the first ones you make are probally going to be too big mine were too so dont worry


  1. to use go to the locker you want to open then make sure the dial is facing you

  2. to the left you enter your shim

  3. the handel that you made should be facing out and your when I say handel I mean the part that you folded up and that should be your handel the pointy part should be facing inward on the left side of the lock

  4. push down and the lock should open



are you sure your using the right kind of lock? the pad lick with the little dial

if you have any questions just ask me

-insane_phreak also known as hacking_noob

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

good article. i may just have to use that some time.:P

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

good article. i may just have to use that some time.:p

bl4ckc4t's avatar
bl4ckc4t 17 years ago

hmm. Interesting.

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 17 years ago

LOL, talk about repetition…

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 17 years ago

Nice article by the way

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

ive seen a article "very" similar to this on ihacked.com

but good article anyway lol

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

I dont get how to make it…

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

I kinda used ihacked ways with the 3 lines but thats it and I wrote the thing on my own

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

i tried this… on a few locks… but it never worked. The tin from the beer can just crumpled inside the locks. I followed the instructions exactly and even tried a few modifications to try and get it to work. in my experience this myth is busted…