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Supercharge a Dart gun

Supercharge a Dart gun

By ghostghost | 3944 Reads |
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This is a simple way to annoy just about any one you want

materials: -1 maverik dart gun -2 a little phillip screwdriver -3 needle nose plyers or muscle -4 a soda

First off this is made for a gun called a Maverik it looks like this http://www.gadgetmadness.com/archives/nerf_maverick.jpg


  1. First we must remove the screws from the thing that you pull back to cock it *use your little screwdriver and clip the needle nose pliars on there for the first couple turnes to get it started do this for all the screws unless you are strong

  2. now do what you did for the little cocking thingy for the rest of the gun

  3. lay gun on LEFT side and remove the RIGHT side of the gun very gently


  1. there should be a big spring just strech that puppy out but but BEFORE you take it out look at how the chamber touching the spring look at how it is positoned you must remeber that now you can strech out the spring dont make it too big other wise it will be too hard to put back on trust me I know from experiense


  1. on the revolver there should be a little square on the back or at least I think its a square and ther should be this thing connected to the trigger when you pull the trigger it should turn well this has to be inline with the revolver the thing that holds the darts they MUST BE LOCKED TOGETHER other wise your gun will not work

  2. Now we put the spring back and the chaber back make sure they are like how they were when you took the gun apart now screw everything back be caureful sometimes the spring pops out dont worry just keep trying and trying

  3. now we put the cocker back on ther is a little metal pin that must go thorugh the little spring hole if it is no in there it will not fire to get this spring out take something skinny that will fit through there and pull the spring out carefully you DO NOT want to strech this spring out other wise you will have to hold the cocker thig all the way forward to fire now just connect and your all done

w00t you just hopefully succesfulley modded your first dart gun if your self a pat on the back

AHH SHIT IT DOESENT WORK is the pin on the cocker on the little spring

is the cocker spring streched out too much if so push and hold forward to fire

I hope this helped this article was made by me for the members of hbh it must not be put on any other site without me knowing


ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Nice article, but what does this have to do with hacking or computers? :P

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

you could 'spring' the steele

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

@BluMoose, it doesn't have to be, that's why it's in the "Other" section :p

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

I knew that ^_^ Still dont understand why we have 'other articles' on a hacking site :|

SySTeM's avatar
SySTeM 18 years ago

Because some people find other stuff than computers interesting too, not everyone's a complete computer addict

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

also it might have to do with the hacking mindset. To explore and mod and look at things differntly. for instance this is about modding a dart gun. simple and easy to do but i doubt that 1 in a 1000 kids with this gun has done that before. You know what i mean? :p article rate 5/5