Realistic Mission 3
Realistic Mission 3

Realistic mission 3 By BlackAce227
This article will help you with realistic mission 3. After reading this article you should have a better understanding of the mission and hopefully pass it :)
Ok here we go. First off, what do we need to do to complete this mission? Peacepoetry tells us that his site has been hacked and he no longer has access to change the website back to its original state. That is where we come in. We need to somehow change back his website and delete the defaced site. So how do we do that? First, we simply look for any fragments of the old site and see if there�s anything left for us to salvage. Lucky for us there is. When we find out that the hackers didn�t delete our site, just changed its index, we know that there is still a possibility of changing the site back to its original form.
After finding the oldindex * HintHint we see that there is a way to submit poems to the site to be stored and viewed later. This is a perfect way we could change the site and restore happiness to the people who like to write poems. Now what do we need to do to complete the mission? We need to restore the website to its original form. Since we cannot do that, we need to WRITE OVER it. When you submit a poem it SAVES the poem to a directory. We need the front page, so how could we get the front page saved onto the hacked index? Well we need to save the poem, or in this case the front page of the not hacked site, in the directory above (the index) so that it will override the hacked page and restore the site. To do that we put ../ in the name of poem section. So the syntax of the command would be � ../directory.html� in the name of the poem section followed by the front page of the not hacked site CoughSOURCECough.
After pushing submit Poem you will get the CONGRATS! Yourscreenname You Beat Level 3! Hope this article helps. If you have any questions, comments, or anything like that just PM me.
Submitted by BlackAce227 on December 04 2004 - 10:49:37

Eyeballz 8 years ago
lmao I have already beat that one on, um when I was reading it I was like just post the code in the comment box to gain the site's links again. lmao tee-hee