Basic missions 1-10
Basic missions 1-10

Ok, here we start. It's a beautiful day with birds singing, terrorist bombing, site hacking, hehehe……..
Mission no.1 So, the first one (the idiot test) is really just to get u started and build ur confidence. So, what do u do on almost every mission? Chech the source? So, there are some interesting things in the source, and remember, the goal of the mission is to FIND the PASSWORD.
Mission no.2 Now, he said this: However, he neglected to upload the password file… For this I cant give any more hints so if he forgot to UPLOAD the password, what is it then?
Mission no.3 This one is practicly the same as the first one, but, when u open the source u dont see the password? Oh, no what are u goin to do now? Well, if u try a bit harder and look around, you might see something interesting, Financial Times, article?, a piece of URL?, porn sites?
Mission no.4 and 5 For this u can use the same ''in URL inserted shit''. For noobies, (like me), this might be a difficult one but… So, u have to get to the file (reminder, whatever), that is sent to a specific E-MAIL adress. Now, what do u have to do, to get it? hm hm hm. think…. Heres a quick script: javascript documentform email javascript documentform Im sure u will get it from now…
Mission no.6 Ah, my favourite. It is not that hard at all. It's is a ASCii encryption, so experiment If u write aaa, what will u get? ugt? nmw? abc? jks? So, figure it out how it works, and u wont have any problems at all. Hint: go with the flow…
Mission no.7 So u have a unix here. Well, it is similar to MS-DOS, and u can do miracles in both of them. The best thing u can do is to learn few basic orders and how do u SEPARATE them (whats the separator, for dummies). Now when u type any year, it shows u the calendar. But, those arent the all files. Try to view any YEAR, SEPARATE it and insert a *NIX COMMAND…Ur smart, u will get it.
Mission no.8 Hmm, very nice mission with lots of SPACE confusing orders. U have to EXECute the COMMAND, which uses the unix command used in a previous test… But, dont give up if u fail few times. This is a very shitty mission…And if u dont understand, google it!
Mission no.9 Well, i cant say much about this, but u can see that u need to go UP one directory (or 2). So find out whats the order to go up, combine it with the previous mission,and…………….voila!
Mission no.10 Not authorized, eh? Dont panic. What u have to do is to change (steal) some of your grandmom's cookies to gain access. For that, u will need to know javascript. So here's a resime (hope it spells that way) - javascript levelxy authorization… Go for it
Sorry for my bad english, im from Croatia. And, ehm, ''hack the planet''.

ghost 19 years ago
Sorry, but you're wrong about a few missions. It's understandable. Number 8 involves SQL injection, number 9 involves the Poison Null Byte, and you're way off with number 10. Number 10 is about being able to use a proxy. Just helping you out!

ghost 19 years ago
I'm so sorry, I was tired and didn't notice that this was a HTS article. Disregard all my statements, but if you ever need my help, feel free to ask!

ghost 18 years ago
good article but i dont get how u figure out these javascript and sql injections out of know where its crazy btw yo wassup sauron:D

ghost 18 years ago
there now its evend out ausome and good its all i can do hope u guys vote it ausome;)

ghost 18 years ago
well i know its for hts but what the hell i tried it for some of the hbh missions and it worked:)

ghost 17 years ago
Mission 6…Nothing is encrypted, or ASCII…It's Unix commands on Basic Web hacking 6… =/ Unless it's a different Basic =/

ghost 17 years ago
Hate to say this, and sorry to double-post, but you got Basic 6 and 7 mixed up =/

ghost 17 years ago
Thatz true, this article is for HTS not HBH… Your not a DJ so stop mixin' shyt around.. :radio:

ghost 17 years ago
Thatz true, this article is for HTS not HBH… Your not a DJ so stop mixin' shyt around.. :radio:

ghost 17 years ago
Thatz true, this article is for HTS not HBH… Your not a DJ so stop mixin' shyt around.. :radio:

ghost 15 years ago
@daniel11us - I understand what you mean, it hasn't worked for me on coincidence, but after a long membership at HTS i registered to HBH and noticed that alot of the challenges are based on the same problems in difficulty e.g, Basic 1 on both websites involves a source code search for passwords, and so on….