Answering Machines
Answering Machines

Alright everybody in this article I am going to show you how to hack peoples answering machines :).(this is my first article so bare with me)
Ok so the first thing I am gonna talk about is preset passwords on peoples home phones answering machines. The awsome thing about these passwords is that alot of people never change them ;). So why don't we look at a couple of phones and there default passwords from the manufacturer…..
Panasonic KX-TG6502B defaultpass (11)
Panasonic KX-TG6500 defaultpass (11)
Panasonic KX-TG-6502 defaultpass (11)
Panasonic KX-TG2343 defaultpass (11)
AT&T (a select few) defaultpass (10)
Uniden EXAI5180 defaultpass (080) *have to enter it during the greeting
Uniden EXAI2248 defaultpass (080) *also have to enter it during the greeting
BellSouth RB-MH9049 Main Mailbox defaultpass (999) Mailbox 1 defaultpass (555) Mailbox 2 defaultpass (666) Mailbox 3 defaultpass (777) Mailbox 4 defaultpass (888)
Motorola MA361 defaultpass (*123)
GE 2-9869 defaultpass (1234)
ToneTel Telecom defaultpass (1111#)
Grande phone defaultpass (9999)
Samsung SGH-D500 defaultpass (00000000)
As you can see they are not very complicated passcodes. And once your in you can listen to messages or delete them or even record a new greeting! Here is a link that shows how bad this can affect someone Also from experience I have found that alot of peoples answering machines passcodes are the last four digits of there own phone number. And the old 1234 is quite common too. Hope you enjoyed my little article.

ghost 16 years ago
Oh fuck me. At least I can still say I have never double posted before. xD Or wait, I can blame it on the fact that I really hated this article.

ghost 16 years ago
Yo swartmumba…wtf is wrong with your sorry ass bitch?
if you dont like it,you can act normal.The whole f'ing world hates you,but WE ALL STILL ACT NORMAL.So ffs dude…get into some serious sessions with some respected psychiatrists or something :) F'ing retard…:happy:

ghost 16 years ago
yo SwartMumba… i maybe shouldnt have flamed you straight ayway. But i cant stand people flaming ffs!So,therefore i flamed your flaming…you see :) Nothing more or less.So i am sorry for that,and me not reading the article and flame straight along with you!

ghost 16 years ago
The whole world hates me? Nah only you because I am sleeping with your mom. Seriously, all jokes aside, keep your comments to the article. The quadruple post - god damn that sounds bad - was a mistake and I do believe that my comment towards the article was appropriate and just. So common, keep the insults at bay. :)

ghost 16 years ago
O and for the record most of these pass codes have to be entered while recording :D unless stated other wise

ghost 16 years ago
Also I'd like to ask why SwartMumba, why do you not like my article??? (not that you not intitled to your own opinion or anything just wandering?)

ghost 16 years ago
@ SwartMumba even though you didn't like my article I agree with the whole "The quadrupal post- god damn that sounds bad" statement.

Uber0n 16 years ago
This article has potential to be really good - but it needs some more love to get there ;) the list of default passwords is great but a bit more technical information about answeing machines, alternate ways of getting into them etc would make it better ^^

richohealey 16 years ago
urgh.. someone want to explain the difference between Hacking and cracking to him..?

korg 16 years ago
@richohealey Agree. But most people are stupid and just plug them in and record a message.

ghost 16 years ago
Actually I didn't steal it some are from personal experience and others I looked up :D

ghost 16 years ago
Well, it's unique in the sense that I don't believe anyone else on the site has bothered with this topic. Have to agree, though… take away the passcodes, and there's nothing. Your second article will be better, I'm sure.