Equipment Checklist For Phreaking on the fly
Equipment Checklist For Phreaking on the fly

Simple, one piece Telephone - Must support both pulse and tone dialing.
Wire Strippers - Get a decent pair you can carry around in your pocket etc. Should also be adjustable and have an insulated handle to protect yourself from minor shocks.
Long nose Pliers - Same as above, bar the adjustable. Try get a needle nose pair.
Wire Snips - See above
Screwdrivers - Both a philips and a flat.
Jewellers Screwdrivers - In sizes: 1/32" 3/64" 5/64" 5/32" 1/8" 9/64"
Torch - Will come in handy, chances are you'll be a lot safer attacking equipment at night so a worthwhile investment.
Multimeter - It doesn't have to be a £250 RS BABT approved unit - a simple device to light a bulb or led in the presence of a voltage will do. Desired values should be a resilience of surge voltages approx 90v (+/- 5). Any decent piece of kit should have surge protection, or selective metering built in.
Crocodile Clips - The things you used in school when you were learning about electricity in science ;D
Masking tape - Used mostly for marking wires etc, but is always handy.
An IDC tool - Go for a decent one, the cheap ones are shit.
Gloves - If you've been arrested before, you'll understand this one.
Telephone Cabling - No hi-grade four wire pairs, just some scatter wire for making a quick bridging adaptor when your'e working with a modular frame. This can usually be obtained on site, but bring some just in case.
Knife - Preferable some kind of Stanley Blade, i like an ultra sharp lock knife.
Small Nail bar (Crowbar) - Yeah
Hayes Accura phone jack - Not hard to find, it's simply a jack that changes an American style RJ11 jack plug into a BT socket. Very useful if you just paid £50 for your newly carded SouthWestern bell handset, and you don't want to massacre the plug on it. You could also sacrifice an extension cable, although the strain relief is poor on these at the best of times.
Let's play ;x

ghost 17 years ago
Well, all i need is a beige box, as i only use Phreaking cuz my economy is really tight :D

ghost 17 years ago
You're not a phreaker then. Same terminology applies to somebody who uses other peoples tools/exploits.

ghost 17 years ago
listen to Stitchup. He owns all u ph00ls! ey, buddy. KINCHOI! Fucking pounds, ey? why not $$$$ …??! cyaz

ghost 17 years ago
lol, mate. Hit me on irc. I messaged you and everything. If i'm not on memoserv owns all :ninja:

ghost 17 years ago
Stitchup, nice article, but the bashing of root_op is pretty false. If you use a beige box to not have to pay for your own phone calls, that doesn't mean yer a "skiddy" in phreaking.

ghost 17 years ago
I didn't say that. I just said he's not a phreaker. Remember dude, if you have to read things twice before you understand then please do so.