Setting Up A Beige Box
Setting Up A Beige Box

Disclaimer: Any info you learn from this article is for educational purpases only. If you go and get caught beige boxing or phreaking and you got your information from this article then this is your fault!
Setting Up A Beige Box By g077ch4
Intoduction: What is a biege box? I will keep it simplefor the people that don't know the definition. Now if you really want to get more out of this then you should go to and type define:beige box, or you can read it here. A beige box is basically a component made of many electronics modded, that will let you tap into a phone by viewing their TNI box (Telephone Network Interface) or a Telcon box. Some people who live in apartment complex's have big TNI box's like their at least 3 ft. tall and arms length wide. Here is what you need to create your own beige box.
What you need:
-A phone with a cord. -Wire Cutters or scissors -Wire Strippers -Aligator clips -Scolding iron(not needed)
Steps To Making A Beige Box:
- Take the phone cord, and cut off one end off the cord.
- Take the wire strippers and strip off the rubber part of the phone cord so you see 4 wires. (red, green, yellow, black) Somtimes they vary, but RED and YELLOW should always be there
- Now strip the RED and GREEN wires so you see the copper insides.
- Now attatch an alligator clip to both the RED and GREEN wires.
- Have Fun!!!
How to use: Ok, now lets say you wanna screw sombody over and listen in on their phone line. All you have to do is go around to the side of their house. Look for a box that has the BELL NETWORK logo on it and unscrew it. Now you will see alot of wires. But the thing we are looking for is a RED and GREEN wire. Once you find that, attatch the alligator clips to their corosponding color. And wait for it to ring then pick up!

ghost 18 years ago
i assume you need to keep the phone handet on one end of the wire? cool article tho, anthing on freaking get a BIG awsome from me :)