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Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box

By ghostghost | 7412 Reads |
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Pandora's Box: One of the most ANNOYING boxes you can make. Tried building one once. It worked for a while, then the 555 Timer broke. (Damn Nexxtech) You will need 1- 555 Timer 1- 9V battery 1- Tweeter(The small, high-pitched noisemaking piece of a speaker) 1- 0.1 MFD Capacitor 1- 100k Variable Resistor(preferrably. We were OK with a 100k normal resistor.) Wire(Preferrably Insulated) A soldering Gun Some solder (Obviously)Lead-free is best. Though it takes longer to melt, it doesn't give you headaches…which aren't good to have, especially with the Pandora box. 9V Snaps(Not required, but very helpful) oh and maybe some electrical tape.

If you take a look at your 555 timer, it should have 8 metal pins sticking out of it. Mentally number them 1-8. They go in order like this:

-|1 8|- -|2 7|- -|3 6|- -|4 5|-

That is from Top view of the chip. You may be confused as to which way the chip goes, but there should be a dot on it on one side. The dot is where pin 1 is, and on the top side.

I could attempt to draw the circuit diagram myself, but it wouldn't make much sense… I think Dr. Rat from Textfiles.com does a pretty good job of it, so I'll use that all credit for this diagram goes to him http://h1.ripway.com/Caity***/pandorabox.jpg That's the URL for the diagram.


  • or ! =Wire
  • = Joined wires
  • = Wires that cross but don't touch. \
    I ) I I = Tweeter
    I ) I/ /

/\/\ = Resistor ^

I( = Capacitor

So there's the diagram… I think it's kinda Self-Explanitory…solder everywhere things connect. Be especially careful NOT TO LET THE PINS TOUCH OR BREAK!

I like using the 9V snap because then it's easy to disconnect.


The pandora box basically makes a high-pitched pain enducing noise. It causes headaches, and sometimes physical pain. The sound needs to be JUST above human hearing range. Girls and children have higher hearing ranges, so if you're a dude, u prolly need a girl or a kid there to make sure they can't hear it either. You're pretty much immune to it if you can't hear it…earplugs might help. Very annoying. Try leaving this in your first-period class. That way, the teacher has to sit through it ALLLLL DAY and everyone else only has to hear it for 1 period.(Just a suggestion though.)

My little sister calls it the 'headache machine'. She walked into the room and immediately got a headache. How fast it works depends on who you're using it on. Adult males will take longest to be affected.

Have fun. I accept no responsibility for what you might do with this.


bl4ckc4t's avatar
bl4ckc4t 18 years ago

Sweet. Ill add that to my box collection. Should prove useful.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Very nice.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

didint work

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

are you sure it didn't work? I mean, after all, you really can't hear it. It worked for me. Maybe you did something wrong?

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

thats funny but how can the teacher not find it, sounds cool though oh wow nice ratings im voting ausome too

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

well the desks at our school are mostly those big desks where two ppl sit at the same one, and just by coincidence, there's a metal ridge and the tweeter happened to have a magnet on it…it just kinda works out that way.

Nubzzz's avatar
Nubzzz 18 years ago


ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

So where do you think I could get the stuff that Id need to do that?

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

You could get most of the stuff from Radio Shack probably, or any other store like that, then get the tweeter from an old speaker.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

:ninja:This will be a useful tool lol:ninja:

Night_Stalker's avatar
Night_Stalker 17 years ago

nicely writen. wat does a tweater look like?

K3174N 420's avatar
K3174N 420 16 years ago
