Get power and programs going at school using two methods.
Get power and programs going at school using two methods.

Everyday at school or work program filters stop you from installing an making changes, and most stop you from using the programs that are installed work properly. For instance at my school I got a ssh tunnel up and and am enjoying full internet access, when I decide to go listen to my fav online radio channel; however the school has other plans. They chose to setup WMP so it requires a password to play any media of any kind. Also instant messenging apps I brought in refuse to install and what's worse the background on the machine is a mind blowing white with the year I graduate at the top. That is also something that must die.
Basically I will start with the applications because it works 9/10 times while the basic privilege escalation trick for school only works once every few tries.
Ok first bring in the installer on your own device and make sure you copy it onto the computer, not run it off the usb or device. Also it is a good idea to put it in the tmp folder or something, nowhere like your public drive where you can get caught. (The desktop should do). Now what you do is right click the application go to->Properties->Compatibility->And set it to windows 2k or 98. Then close it and run the program, adjust the set OS if the program refuses to work with one.
Right mouse click blocked? No worries! The next bit is how to get basic guest rights on a school pc without any scary code or even know-how!
Make sure you reset the pc. Wait until it asks you to log in type in your pass but don't push enter/ok just yet put your spare hand on the Ethernet cable Push OK and wait for the thing to disappear give it the smallest time you can then yank the Ethernet cord. Now when the desktop starts to load shove it back in. You should hopefully still have access to all network drives, as well as access to cmd prompt if you didn't already as well as the control panel, right click, run, settings, network settings and you may even be able to install programs right away. Please be aware that you are still not an admin but you do have more rights then normal that is for sure.
TIPS: Right click is disabled but pushing windows key and right clicking all programs works, for those who are locked out of C drive.
Run should work so feel free to try further registry hacks to get admin rights. feel free to check here: for tips.
You should now be able to change the background as well, and edit IE internet settings. (sometimes the msn logo may be visible but hardly ever works)
Good luck hope you enjoyed this article.

ghost 16 years ago
LOL, if your willing to mess with schools your willing to go to get suspended/expelled or even worse go directly to jail do not pass go and do not collect $200…… My advice (get wireless and play else where!)

ghost 16 years ago
well i will write a comment since i got nothing better to do and ill try to keep it short
Boy am i happy my school doesnt suck as much as the schools you all talk about we can change backgrounds in every high tech class and even download "important software" (games) in some classes….also some teachers seem to be nice…
my other point, havent hacked the school "yet" as i just got to this site and started learning recently, however i got a friend who got fucked up by the school for doing some credit card shit/ keylogers and another dude also got "put down by the man" when they caught him with some type of admin bypass/bruteforce software on his usb….script kiddies…..but i guess this is how we learn (use it as a base for learning now until i get good)……….the real fight is to keep learning and evolve when the right time comes:ninja:
FYI , i though the ninja looked cool

richohealey 16 years ago
alex_the_rich: you need to STFU. like nowish. Also the article lacked flair, you chumps have much to learn about pwning a large network.

ghost 16 years ago
exidous: shut up when adults are talking… richohealy: yeah, they should learn more, so then why to flame them? They are learning right now… There is a lot of things to learn, don't turn your back on them just in beginning

ghost 16 years ago
:)**deathalive ** thank you very much for the support
…aaa you r not even worth it

ghost 16 years ago
I agree with korg. Talk about the OS or the network, not so much the school. I'm sure you could do better. And feel free to through in a little "scary code" or "know-how" every now and then too. Also "yank" and "shove" are bad words when dealing with some one elses computer…

richohealey 16 years ago
alex_the_rich: you REALLY need to stfu. I'm now going to see if you've done anything productive here.. if not it's ban time :)

ellipsis 13 years ago
My school doesn't allow personal passwords but rather id numbers. I logged in as someone else after I found my schools windows messaging service was enabled and was able to netsend "the matrix has you" to every screen in the building. However, even though I was logged in as someone else, the cameras caught me at that computer and they called me in the day after. Do NOT hack at school.

ellipsis 13 years ago
Last comment: The worst they can do is call the police. The second worst would be loss of computer privileges. The third worst would be suspension/expulsion.