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File Hiding

File Hiding

By ghostghost | 6143 Reads |
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Hey guys.. this is my second article so far.. I'm gonna tell u what i do to hide my 'top-secret' ( :P ) files.. a year ago i came up with the idea of opening a winzip session, adding my files, n saving the thing as sthgxx.dll(xx is a number) n putting it in c:\windows, n i have lots of vip files, so i had many sthgxx ex: kerMel66.dll kerMel93.dll Kermel28.dll etc……. so that they will be really easy to find… this actually worked.. n my files were safe…… some months ago i had the idea of opening the zip in notepad and adding a character, then when i open it i get an error, i remove the character and it'll work, fortunately i tried it on a COPY of a vip file, cz it didnt work, n a week later i read a post on HBH saying that notepad doesnt display everything, so it just cropped the file to a smaller one.. 10 minutes ago, the idea just popped into my head to try the thing with a HEX editor!! i opened a pic in a HEX editor, the last HEX was D7, i changed 7 to 8, saved it n opened it, it displayed nothing but an error!! then i undid the change and saved it , n it worked :D:D then i tried it with one of my DLL-fake-files, n it worked :D I guess i can just write a small app later for that, it would HEX open the file, change sthg and save the change in a database, then with a "recover" button,gets the original value and changes it back to the normal thing and renames the file………


ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

Would be really cool if you'd get that to work… who would try changing the last character of a .dll-file and changing the extension? Nice idea!

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

lol thx

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

until michale helps me edit it. i AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DATA LOSS OF ANY KIND, use at your own risk..

ghost's avatar
ghost 19 years ago

Poor structure.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

In windows, i just name everything Alt+0160.. then make the icon invisible :).. thats my way

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

in VB: setattr "C:&*92;1245.TeXT", vbhidden + vbsystem + vbreadonly

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

sorry about the shitty structure, i'll rewrite that article later..

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

wow. thats a pretty good idea man lemme know what you get the code wrote i wanna look at it if you dont mind :ninja: