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WiFi - Part 0, Introduction

WiFi - Part 0, Introduction

By tuXthEhxR avatartuXthEhxR | 13692 Reads |
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WiFi – Part 0, Introduction

written by TuXtheHxR


This is the introduction to my WiFi Tutorial. I have been studying WiFi, amongst other things, for the last couple months now, and I thought I would write a tutorial on it. This isn’t going to be some bull s*** tutorial that just teaches you the commands that you need to type to crack your neighbors WEP key. This is going to be a full length tutorial. This whole tutorial will teach someone from a beginner level, how to be able to own some serious WiFi. It is going to be from the packet level all the way up. We will be using Aircrack-ng throughout this tutorial, as it is the best suite of tools that I have ever come by.

We will start off with the very basics, teaching you about interfaces, bands, channels, and everything in between. This is basically the things that you have to know before you can really start to understand the tools that we will use in the more advanced portions

We will then move on to things like Wireshark, WLAN packets, MAC filtering, preferred network list and hidden SSIDs. These things are more of the technically hard things to understand, or remember. It is easy to remember a couple or aircrack commands, it is a whole different level to remember how to read and understand packets, and how they operate.

Then, we will move on to the fun stuff, encryption. We will go over WEP, WPA and WPA2 in very fine detail. I won’t just show you how to crack them, but how they work. We will discuss weaknesses, differences, and strengths of each and every one of these.

After all that is said and done, we will start getting into some more advanced attacks. Some of these are hard to pull off, and takes a lot more skill then just intercepting some packets. Things like the Caffe Latte Attack, and the Man in the Middle Attack are very useful, once you have the skills to pull them off.

At then end, after everything is said and done, I will also post up some cheat sheets to help people remember the commands, and what fields are for what when reading the packets. These are nice to have AFTER you have gone through the whole tutorial.

Wireless is huge right now; it’s everywhere. It’s time that everyone started educating themselves about the security, or perhaps insecurity is a better word, of the wireless systems they are using. This tutorial will probably contain at least 25 different sections. I just ended my classes at school, so I finally got the free time to write a very in depth tutorial on the subject.

I have taken so much from the online community, I felt it was time that I gave something back. I will probably be posting 2-3 sections a week. I really would like feedback on these tutorials. If you read these, please leave a comment below, depicting any pros or cons.

That’s all that I got, or want to write, on interfaces; much more to come. Please leave behind comments on these tutorials. That way I can improve them as I go.

TuX out

thehare's avatar
thehare 12 years ago

If the articles are as interesting as you make them out to be here, I think I'm going to enjoy myself :P

RaFio's avatar
RaFio 12 years ago

Good work! I can´t wait to read the whole Tutorial!:D

samfisher85's avatar
samfisher85 12 years ago

Its nice to see something geared toward noobs (like me). sometimes its hard to find where to learn because most things are geared towards the slightly more advanced.

Dobinoo's avatar
Dobinoo 12 years ago

Very nice work :)

zerozerocool's avatar
zerozerocool 12 years ago

you are doing a nice work man…keep up!:ninja:

yogeesh's avatar
yogeesh 12 years ago

Awesome! Was was searching for a tutorial like this from past 3-4 months :)

Thanks a lot bro :)

yogeesh seralathan forum4hackers.blogspot.com

yogeesh's avatar
yogeesh 12 years ago

Awesome! Was was searching for a tutorial like this from past 3-4 months :)

Thanks a lot bro :)

yogeesh seralathan forum4hackers.blogspot.com

rubix's avatar
rubix 12 years ago

Couldn't have come at a better time for me.

In really excited, not just for the juicy bits to come but the whole learning journey. Thanks TuXtheHxR!