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Info Gathering with Phone Numbers

Info Gathering with Phone Numbers

By ellipsis avatarellipsis | 13474 Reads |
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  • title: Information Gathering with Phone Numbers.
  • author: yllypsys
  • date: (05-05-12)



[0x00] Introduction [0x01] Requirements [0x02] Limitations [0x03] Tools and Enumeration [0x04] Conclusion


I will not be held responsible for whatever actions a reader may perform after reading this.

This is a method which I use frequently and have personally found it to be incredibly successful.

I do NOT condone inflicting any form of harm unto another human being.
You are responsible for your own actions.

This works for people in the US. I am not sure about outside of the US. Sorry.

[0x00] Introduction

Have you ever recieved random phone calls or texts that were just too odd to pass off?

Have you ever wanted to know who the person behind the ramdom number is?

Or have you just found a random number somewhere and are curious as to who really owns it?

There are a few tools which are perfectly free and can help you gather enough information to pinpoint the exact location of the individual behind the number.

[0x01] Requirements

You will need three things: an internet connection, a cellphone, and a brain.

You will use the cellphone to begin your enumeration, the internet connection to draw extra information (and ultimately pinpoint their location), and a brain to help you accomplish your objective.

It is best to have a cellphone and a PC (or laptop) so you can be quick about the gathering.

If you do not have these things, you are shit out of luck, and I am unsure of how you could be reading this.

[0x02] Limitations

A worst case scenario would be that the number is a “pay and go” phone. This means that no real name is registered and the phone can be used by anyone anonymously. This kind of phone is used by criminals frequently to perform drug deals and so forth (at least in America).

Another worst case scenario is that the number is a number to a business (meaning you will need to learn about the business and staff numbers to pinpoint the original caller which may or may not be possible).

There are plenty of worst case scenarios, but the last one I will mention is if the phone is owned by law enforcement. If this is the case, the name will almost always be unlisted. That is just how they role. So be careful with who you involve yourself with.

[0x03] Tools and Enumeration

The tools I will recommend are WhitePages (WP), Google, and your brain. The algorithm will be as such: perform reverse lookup with WP, use the name and location from results to search WP for the street address of the individual, use Google to verify your target.

To perform the WP LOOKUP, you will need a cell phone with text messaging capabilities (your phone bill will be charged $1.99 for a successful lookup; if the lookup fails, you will not be charged).

When you have the number you wish to investigate, text it to 566587 (WP LOOKUP).

If WP LOOKUP found the name of the owner of the number, it will reply with a message like so: “WhitePages: <Number>, is from <City> <ST>. To get the name for $1.99, reply GO.”

Reply with GO and it will reply with a message like so: “WhitePages: <Owner Name> <City>, <ST>.$1.99 bill 2 cell 4 Name.Reply HELP for help.Reply STOP to cancel. Msg&data rates may apply…”

If WP LOOKUP failed to find the name of the owner of the number, you will not be charged for the lookup. In this case, it will reply with a message like so: “WhitePages: Sorry no name found for <Number>. No charge for this lookup.”

Be sure to send STOP after each lookup so WP will remove your number from its listings. WP adds your number to the listings with each lookup, and using STOP will remove it.

When you have the name of the owner and their general location (City, State), you may proceed to WP People Search. You will need to provide three items in the “Find People” search: First name, Last name, and Location (City, State or ZIP). Since we have their fullname and their location, we may use People Search to find them.

After searching with WP People Search, you will have a list of people (short and precise depending on how unique the name is). Compile a list of each of these people and use Google to dig information on them.

You will want to find their social networking profiles and so forth.

Underneath each name is an age range. To the right of the name and age range is the street address of the individual. To the right of the street address is the “Associated People” (family members, spouse, et cetera).

Use your intuition to discern whether or not a social networking profile picture portrays someone of the appropriate age range provided in the WP People Search results. Do as much as you can to verify your target.

I just searched my name and location, and it points directly to me (no other results) and even lists my middle initial, accurate age range, and all of my immediate family members.

If you want to pay a bit of money for an excellent service, I recommend Spokeo, as it provides an invaluable pool of information for anyone you are searching for.

[0x04] Conclusion

This is a method which anyone can use to find almost anyone. Obviously, there are ways to protect yourself from being found via this method, but nothing will save you from the professionals: FBI, CIA, ETC. If someone is harassing you with text messages, depending on the nature of the texts, you can involve the FBI (best idea) or subpoena the service provider to revealing the harassers information. You should only get the FBI involved if they are threatening your life or the lives of your loved ones, and if you cannot reveal them by yourself, you can always resort to changing your phone number. Remember that if someone does not reveal their identity to you, and are texting you, they are breaking the law then and there. Do whatever you can to keep yourself safe.

I personally use this method whenever I get random phone calls or text messages from people I do not have saved. It helps me identify them. It is easy to ask who they are, but it is also just as easy to lie. This method has a potential for abuse, but I stated above that I do not condone this and that I will not be held responsible for the actions of those who read this.

Good luck with your endeavors.

ellipsis's avatar
ellipsis 12 years ago

Thanks to the fuckhead who rated this as poor without actually reading it or giving any input. Your contribution to humanity is obvious.

ellipsis's avatar
ellipsis 12 years ago

Thanks to the fuckhead who rated this as poor without actually reading it or giving any input. Your contribution to humanity is obvious.

Firebolt's avatar
Firebolt 12 years ago

Nice! I'll use this in the future! >:)

ellipsis's avatar
ellipsis 12 years ago

Thank you, Firebolt. :ninja:

oJAIMEo's avatar
oJAIMEo 12 years ago

Looked up myself and it was spot on! Thanks this is a valuable resource.

ellipsis's avatar
ellipsis 12 years ago

Thank YOU for reading! :ninja:

om3g45m45h3r's avatar
om3g45m45h3r 12 years ago

ok article but does spokeo work out side us?

ellipsis's avatar
ellipsis 12 years ago

@om3g4 I did some googling and this is what I found: "12. Can I perform international searches? Spokeo currently only supports national numbers and addresses from the United States for our phone and name search. We do support all email address and username searches however, including international ones. This search feature covers all of our supported social networks." So the answer is: no.

ellipsis's avatar
ellipsis 12 years ago

Thank you to the haters who rate this as "poor" without reading the post. The only reason I can think of anyone rating this as "poor" is if the method does not work in their country, and that's a stupid reason to give it a bad rating. This method works for myself and everyone I've shared it with. Feel free to share it with whoever you want, but give some credit to "…", especially if you post the article somewhere else (hackbb, etc). And if you seriously don't like this article and you aren't mentally incompetent, at least give it an "average" rating. lulz

Pal0f's avatar
Pal0f 12 years ago

I'm not from America but the logic behind it definitely proves that you're good at social engineering. I'll try it out sometime soon ;)

ellipsis's avatar
ellipsis 12 years ago

Thank you, Pal0f! I personally have a deep passion for social engineering, surveillance, physical security, and all forms of intelligence gathering. I hope you enjoyed the read.