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Freewebhosts and subdomains

Freewebhosts and subdomains

By axof1 avataraxof1 | 11011 Reads |
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Hi everyone.

I didn't have a good experience looking for good freehosts, it took me a huge time so I'm here to short it for you.

With all my adventure with this, I will talk about 4 Free Webhosts and 2 subdomains register.

PS.: Before you start to do all the thing, i recommend you to read everything.

PS.2: Sorry for all the incovenience before.

*First step, Register a subdomain name(It is shorter and more simple subdomain name than the hoster's one), if you dont want to use the hoster subdomain.

First subDomain register -Go to -www.co.cc

Second subDomain register -Go to -www.cz.cc

-For both of them, the registration is very simple, you set the subdomain name, and put some data.

*Second Step, Find a good free web host.

-I have 4 freewebhosters to talk about so i will list them here. -www.my3gb.com -3gb of space -30gb of trafic usage -Suports PHP and MySQL -2 Database's admin -2 Databases -Suports co.cc -Own text-editor -This one offers a huge space, fast registration, the domain set up is fast and the Controlpanel is simple and easy to use.

-www.freehostia.com -250mb of space -6gb of trafic usage -Suports PHP, MySQL, Perl scripting and Python(Not certainly, because there was other things that i didnt understand) -1 Database -Suports cz.cc -Own text-editor -Don't offers submain anymore(Due to bad content and pishing), so you should do a have cz.cc account before. -It's simple, a average space, Controlpanel offers a lot of functions, suports email(3 accs tought).

-www.1gb.me -300mb of space -10gb of trafic usage -Suports PHP, MySQL, ASP(thought) -2 Database's admin -2 Databases -Suports email accounts -Suports Cron -Suports co.cc -Own text-editor -htacess(Dont know what exactly mean, but there you can generate and edit) -Template's installer -Good space and functions, the Controlpanel is a bit more functionally than my3gb one.

-www.007sites.com -This one is "7 powered thing x3" -700mb of space -7gb of trafic usage -Suports PHP and MySQL -7 Database's admin -7 Databases -Banner in the bottom(line) and in some words -Suports co.cc and cz.cc(I recomend cz.cc) -Very nice web space, fast registration, the domain set up is fast and the Controlpanel is simple and easy to use.(Like my3gb)

*Third Step, Set up subdomain setting with CZ.CC and CO.CC

-In co.cc, -Go to Domain settings -> Select your subdomain(There will be box containing your previously registered) when selected, there will be a box "Set up" go there, then, will be 3 options(Name server, Zone records and URL Forwarding) I just used Name server and its doing fine. In name server, you will put 2 adresses in the boxes(They are listed in the bottom) put them in there. Depending of your option, it will take about 5~20 minutes.

-In cz.cc -Go to the option on the top "Your domains" -> After your Subdomain, there is a box, "Manage", click there, then click in "Nameserver", with the same process in co.cc you set up the nameserver.

*Nameservers list, Here is the list of nameservers

[code]-For My3gb, -ns1.my3gb.com, ns2.my3gb.com -For FreeHostia, -dns1.freehostia.com, dns2.freehostia.com -For 1gbMe, -ns1.0009.ws, ns2.0009.ws -For 007sites, -ns1.007sites.com, ns2.007sites.com



t0xikc0mputer's avatar
t0xikc0mputer 14 years ago

You should probably mention ftp. I prefer 000webhost.com because the ftp is convenient for me.

spyware's avatar
spyware 14 years ago

Would've worked much better as a thread in which everyone could contribute.

ynori7's avatar
ynori7 14 years ago

Contributions could still be made via PM or comments. The author can edit his article.

axof1's avatar
axof1 14 years ago

I posted as a thread, korg deleted it and said some things to me. Some things that people could understand just by reading.


spyware's avatar
spyware 14 years ago

I know.

axof1's avatar
axof1 14 years ago

Well toxic, ftp you can use with all of them

korg's avatar
korg 14 years ago

The article section is for tutorials and how-to's. If this had been left in the forum it would have eventually been buried under hundreds of other threads and become useless. Most users are going to check the articles for a tutorial on a subject before digging in the forum section, It's easier to navigate what your looking for. Again like ynori said if you have something you want to add, edit or be removed, Pm the author and he can edit it at any time. This is why we have an article section not just a forum.

ghost's avatar
ghost 14 years ago

Over all your writing is not bad. Though I think the topic is a bit weak. I have no trouble finding web hosts with Google.

axof1's avatar
axof1 14 years ago

Well, actually, it is just a quick help. I got some troubles due to my country be banned from some hosts.

t0xikc0mputer's avatar
t0xikc0mputer 14 years ago

what country is that? it is certainly not 'catacombs, level 2'

ghost's avatar
ghost 14 years ago

Not to sure about the hosting, doesn't like wordpress admin.

ghost's avatar
ghost 14 years ago

*on my3g :angry:

Xunxen's avatar
Xunxen 14 years ago

IsMyWebsite is a nice free web host, but registration is by invite since the last time the site was upgraded. You "pay" for hosting with points you earn from ads on the site (which you can place pretty much however you want) and by just using ismywebsite. They support php, ruby, mysql, and i don't remember all the others, you can have unlimited subdomains, and you can ask for more bandwidth and storage if you need. Oh, yes, and cPanel access, ftp, ftps, and ssh access. Although at the moment the new version of the site is in alpha and a lot of features don't work yet… i never knew about getting those subdomains, though. Convenient.

ghost's avatar
ghost 13 years ago

This article helped me alot. Thanks for posting.

axof1's avatar
axof1 13 years ago

you are welcome!

ghost's avatar
ghost 13 years ago

try x10hosting.com. infinite disk space, infinite bandwidth!

abhijitrucks's avatar
abhijitrucks 12 years ago

i use 000webhost for hosting and co.nr for domain name and it works pretty fine for me.