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How too torrent.

How too torrent.

By ghostghost | 7750 Reads |
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This article wasn't exactly the best so I took it off.

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

I love this guide! 10/10 great links. Also, instead of using Limwire use Piolet. it is a good musc sharing site.

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

I love this guide! 10/10 great links. Also, instead of using Limwire use Piolet. it is a good musc sharing site.

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

I love this guide! 10/10 great links. Also, instead of using Limwire use Piolet. it is a good musc sharing site.

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

I love this guide! 10/10 great links. Also, instead of using Limwire use Piolet. it is a good musc sharing site.

Uber0n's avatar
Uber0n 16 years ago

@K_I_N_G: Thanks for adding my note :happy:

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

You forget Demonoid. Thats the torrent site I prefer. Great info otherwise.

ynori7's avatar
ynori7 16 years ago

"no site actually puts up illegal music/movies/games"=Untrue

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

I should have said no popular site, their shut down as soon as their found so its rather pointless.

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

@ Moshbat, before you were pissing me off but I've come too an understanding. I've seen pics of you, your just a scrawny little kid. You talk shit in rl, you get your teeth knocked out. Hence why you talk shit here, cuz you can get away with it. So I just wont let it bother me, but I'll remember in case we every meet in rl. I'll beat your ass intellectually, then I'll remember these annoying comments and beat your ass physically. Have a nice day, faggot.

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Ignore that last comment ppl. Gettin stoned while your tryin to sound smart has gotta be the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

fuser's avatar
fuser 16 years ago

the world is now a better place with the article removed.