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Google Hacking Search Strings by Redlock

Google Hacking Search Strings by Redlock

By ghostghost | 43577 Reads |
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Google Hacking by redlock

This is a list of all you need to copy & paste to gain a good solid understanding of how Easy this is to pull off, You can see that I added the string intitle:index.of which will really wake you up about how simple this method of spidering on Google is to accomplish. I just made it alot easier for everyone to use misuse I really couldn't care less about how you use this just don't get me involved because it's you're fault if you misuse this information for unethical malicous purposes I cannot be held responsible of your script kiddie antics because You're The One Who Did It! Not Me!.

intitle:index.of +”last modified” +”parent directory” +(mp3|wma|ogg) +"index / of" -htm -html -php -asp

Find MS FrontPage Password Files With Google, Remember these are encrypted in DES Encryption Just Type inurl:_vti_pvt"service.pwd" Or Copy & Paste into the Google Search Bar and Hit The Enter Key.

PHP Photo Ablums Found Using Google, Ok You'll love this some of the photo ablums you will find will have no password protection them but others will and you can upload your tag jpg or gif image to the album. It's Easy Type inurl:"phphotoalbum/upload" into Google and let the Fun Begin lol.

Vulnerable! Network Cameras Found via Google Type inurl:"viewerframe?mode=refresh" This is Fun Because you can remotely control the network camera via one of your selected result links and tick them off by moving the camera with the controls provided lol.

Read Webalizer Weblogs in Google Just Type intitle:"usage statistics for" "generated by webalizer" And read thousands upon thousands of weblogs Worldwide! Very Cool lol.

Search For Unix/Linux/BSD Password Files using Google Just Type intitle:"index of" passwd password.bak

Robots.txt Files Via Google Just Type "robots.txt" "disallow:" filetype:txt and find them all lol

Find Any File With Google Just let me explain it finds anything not just pdf files you can find music mp3 m3u ogg wma au and many others, ebooks/documents with extensions of txt pdf doc rtf and so one, pictutres with extensions of png gif jpg jpeg tif or pro atari image files too lol and video file with extensions of mpg avi mov mp4 wmv and shockwave flash swf extension files too, And without further boring reading here it is Just Type "intitle:index of" filename pdf

Yes!!! You Truely Are Finally Now Officially A Google Hacker! Congratz

Kindest Regards Redlock

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Alright, so it shows examples of what you can do with specified google search strings, but it doesn't actually teach anything…

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Aren't you going to give any credit to the places where you learnt this?

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

lol, Mozzer - I think this is the 10th article on the matter so far, and it still is lacking a lot in content.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

probs that john i hack this google dorks site

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago


you ought to give some insight into the commands you're demonstrating rather then just telling people to "copy/paste". it seems you just got this from another article.

spyware's avatar
spyware 17 years ago

You can search almost the entire world, and you happen to find some useless frontpage password files. Step back, re-think, search again.

lukem_95's avatar
lukem_95 17 years ago

its pretty poor tbh… sorry

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

All this article does is just give more proof that google is the hacker's best friend lol

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

it lacks depth and explanation but that network camera thing is amusing

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

But I agree with nights_shadow because you just give examples but you dont explain the search stings you just give the results of it. If you write another article on the subject talk more about the strings and not the results

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Yeah, Johnny-I-Hack-Stuff's article was MUCH better… your article doesn't give the overall view (including search criteria) that it should. Heck, really, it looks like you typed this up in 5 minutes and gave no thought or care to how it looks or read… like a fumblejuck mess.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

yeah i read this before. booooooo

korg's avatar
korg 17 years ago

[sarcasm/begin] Is this new I've never seen this before [sarcasm/end] Give me a Fuckin' break There is hundreds of vulnerablities in google this is old, covered multiple times even here on HBH.:angry: 0/10

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Ummmmm…It doesn't really explain what to really do…Just lots of strings that I can't make heads or tails of =/

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Ok it may be a bit old but I submitted this for the newbies

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Holy crap that camera one is fucking awesome!:o

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Thank you it allows you to remotely control any vulnerable Network Cameras :evil:

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

show me something that i dont know!!!!!!

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Not too shabby.Bravo