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Google Guide

Google Guide

By ghostghost | 7869 Reads |
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You here all the people in this community tell you to go FREAKING GOOGLE IT FIRST BEFORE ASKING. Well with Google searching so many web pages you probably won't find what you’re looking for first try. Google is the simplest and best search engine out there so that’s why everyone says Google it. It’s in the top 5 of most visited sites on the internet. I am going to show you some ways of how to Google efficiently. First off, Google has provided something called the "Advance search". Amazing isn't it? So many things to use. It is very self-explanatory, just read the small descriptions after it. But for many people we use something called the Boolean Search. Below are some ways of how to do this. It’s very simple and there are many sites on how to do it.

Operative Terms (some help from http://infoweek.techengine.com/help.asp?ID=10)

STARTS WITH – Using an asterix at the end of a search word ensures that you will get all the combinations of your search word and its possible endings. For example, admin* will return admin, administrator, administration and administrative as keyword matches.

PHRASES – In order to get expres<i></i>sion matching, use quotation marks. For example, to find call center positions, search on "call center" This will return incidences where call and center are adjacent to each other in the description field.

AND – can be written as "and" "&" or "+" The AND function ensures that any two terms joined will return results with BOTH terms included. Unlike quoted expres<i></i>sions, the AND function returns results whenever both terms appear anywhere in the description.

OR – can be written as "or" or "|" The OR function ensures that AT LEAST ONE of the two search terms will be in the results.

AND NOT – can be written as "and not" or "!&" The AND NOT function ensures that the first term is returned as a valid result ONLY WHEN THE SECOND TERM IS NOT IN THE DESCRIPTION. For example, "administrator and not Unix" will return results with administrator where Unix is not in the description field.

NEAR – can be written as "near" or "~" The NEAR function ensures that incidences where both terms are WITHIN TEN WORDS OF EACH OTHER will return in the results. For example, "oracle near administrator" will return oracle database administrator as a valid result.

Grouping Techniques

In order to group terms, use parenthetical expres<i></i>sions. For example, the following keyword searches yield proper results:

(Unix & Perl & sql) and not "Microsoft sql" (Oracle ~ Admin*) | (Solaris + "help desk")

–To clear some of that stuff up I found some other ways of doing it.–

For Title Searching, this only searches for web page titles you would do +title:"Cheese"

For Domain Searching, this searches specific web address, you would put +domain:Cheese.com (or enter it in the URL Address Bar)

Capitals, if you want to search for the capitalized version of the word you type the WHOLE word in CAPS, example: CHEESE

URL Searching, Searching Web pages where the keyword appears in the URL, example: +url:cars

Link Searching, Finding what web sites are linked to a specific site, example: link:www.cheese.com

Hope that helped some! Remember if you don’t know what it is GOOGLE IT!!!! I hope is article has helped in some way. This is my first article so go easy, I hope to make more soon. Please rate! And Please use!

–smack300– –darkmindz.com–

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Brilliant article dude, hopefully this will stop people saying "oh bit i DID google it, i just didn't find anything"

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

nice job!

thehacker3's avatar
thehacker3 17 years ago

well u missed the most important function in google that's used most often and thats the "-" if u type -demo or -noob then those 2 words will never appear in any of the search results. this is really usefull if u cant find a program on torrents or limewire and google is ur only way out ;)

thehacker3's avatar
thehacker3 17 years ago

and i just re-read it and noticed u forgot prooly the 2nd most important and commonly used function, define! if you type define:moron google will give u its extensive definision and how stupid you, oops i mean a moron is. Good article otherwise, pretty informative, never knew about the url thing either. this makes me wonder, if i didnt know 1 function of google in this article and this article missed 2 very major ones, how many functions out there are there that are still undiscoverd? this of course can be solved by doing an advanced search and looking into the search box and reverse enginneering. sry for the long comments and pretty negative feedback, its pretty late and im sleepy and i wanna kill some1 or something…

kaden's avatar
kaden 17 years ago

there is also inurl:(thing u want in url) and intitle:(thing u want in title), this is hell useful. note: you dont put in the ( and the ).

happy google hacking :D

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

good article….. i could go on for days bout google 101 other featuers but why bother? the most important ones are already listed. Again…good job

Uber0n's avatar
Uber0n 17 years ago

Lol, now you can post a link to this article instead of saying "Google it" :D

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Awesome Article, I found it useful. :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Thanks for all the comments guys