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How to hack, in real-life.

How to hack, in real-life.

By ghostghost | 12865 Reads |
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Maybe we meet for the first time. I wouldn't know, I'm just telling a story to everyone who listens to me. And today you are listening.

Thank you (for listening).

Hacking in real-life (<– that's the title, nitwit)

What is hacking?

You probably asked yourself that a thousand times. And people have probably answered that question more than a thousand times.

Then, you might ask yourself why I am going to explain it to you again, according to my.. rules.

Well, because I think hacking is more then ones and zero's. Hacking exists in this world, and not in a computer.


Ha, I got you stumped there right? Well, I'll explain that sentence with my rule: Hacking = Using something to get something done.

Got that? Good.

And now for the other part, "real-life". With real-life I mean your life. I mean you, and everyone and everything around you. Indeed, real-life hacking is just like SE'ing, yet it's different.

"How can I hack this tree", is a question that I can't answer. "How can I hack this hard-to-reach-window with this tree", is plain logic.

As a hacker, you probably questioned a lot. You probably thought: 33%: How can I 66%: How can I do this 100%: How can I do this with/using that

Real-life hacking is all about the third (100%) question. You need to pay attention to EVERY(THING/ONE) around you, and you probably need to manipulate SOME(THING/ONE)(S) around you.

Example? Sure, check out this (100% based on true facts) story:

(BTW: SE'ing = Social Engineering)

A few months ago me and my friend had to do a test for our IT class. We needed to build a simple site using html, css and some javascript. At the end of the class we had to e-mail the site to a certain e-mail address so our teacher could upload it and view the source.

Our teacher has an usb-key (FACT) Our teacher probably has information we can't have (THOUGHT)

1+1=2 (most of the times, this could be argued)

We just NEEDED to get our hands on that usb-key (I can't explain why, I'm sorry). But how? Remember our question? "How can I do this with/using that?". We needed to manipulate our situation in order to obtain that information.

I used hand-signals to tell my friend (he was sitting across the room) I needed that usb-key, and I would need some time to get that information. My friend understood me instantly (surprisingly), and what he did, was this: He told our teacher he couldn't get in his e-mail account because he forgot his password. He also told him the account was brand new, that's why he didn't remember it.

My teacher, a dumb ass as he was/is, gave him the usb-key so he could store his site on it.

-not smart-

My friend began copying the data to his mp3-player (32,3mb of data, we needed another 2,5 minutes.)

I told the teacher my site was done, but I also asked him something about the lay-out ("is this correct, sir"). Now, my friend needed some time, time that I would try to give him. When I was done talking to my teacher and I looked to the usbkeycopydude, he clearly signaled he needed more time.

The teacher was thinking of retrieving his usb-key..


"Sir, what's your e-mail again." *he gave his e-mail address. "Ehrm, do I spell it this way?" *teacher walks to my computer and began correcting my mistakes (mistakes I put there on purpose).


You don't want to know what the 32,2mb contained. oh you do want to know? -passwords -usernames -database dumps -emails -schedules -and more

THE END (of this example :P)

So, that was just a little part of real-life hacking. In this case, it looked more like SE'ing. Final conclusion will stay the same though:

In order to get something (done) you need to manipulate some(thing/one) and change your situation.

It's not: "How can I hack this tree". It's: "How can I hack with this tree".

If you follow my rules you conclude that lying, is real-life hacking. But I'm not telling you to lie. Just bend the truth for "the greater good". You can make a difference, just remember that.

NEVER do this when you don't have a reason. It's stupid. You always have a risk of getting caught. You can't hide behind a proxy, you are no longer just ones and zero's. You are you, and your victim is maybe right in front of you.

I hope this article opened your eyes. You can hack the system, you just don't have the cool green-swooshy power that Neo has.

Live with it.

END (don't be really stupid, just a little bit) By spyware - 21-11-06 19:38 hbh

ranma's avatar
ranma 17 years ago

genious! My only word

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

simply brilliant spyware :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

dude, that is actually SICK!!! (which is always a gd thing) :ninja:

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

Awesome spy! A good read and well written.

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

… i dont know .. it seems like you just lied about somthing to get somthing, then bought time, and you were done .. u cant go into source code and type in find, i dont know how to read and it will read itself to you ..

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Awesome. :D You're awesome.

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Love S.E :love:

dnatrixene135's avatar
dnatrixene135 12 years ago

Dude this is awesome… I would like to learn this someday.