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School Filter Bypassing

School Filter Bypassing

By ghostghost | 7245 Reads |
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Well the reason im writeing this is first of all in hope's that you find it useful. The reason i started gettin interested in crashing school firewalls and bypassing there filters is keyley because my school has this thing called "DragonNet" were we can have the school as our ISP for FREE. Unfortunately it has it's cost. It blocks all site's under categories such as, Hacking, Illegal, Pornagraphy, Violence, Profanity etc. Fortunately enough it didnt block good old HBH. But it did block site's like Hack4U and HackThisSite. So, I discovered my way to get around it. Then they upgraded to a completely diffrent filter etc. I got around it as well. So over time iv'e learned several methods to bypass filters. Also i will share with some of you more amature to programming , what you can do if command Prompt is blocked on your computer. This can all be done from school (which i dont recommend) or if your school is your ISP from home. This also works with parental blocks too. Anyways so lets get to it.

Internet Blocks: Method 1- All the methods in this are fairly simple this is probably one of the simplelest, use a google cache. Now this more likely won't work unless your school is completely dimwitted, but give it a try.

Method 2- Go to command prompt (if blocked then look at info on that below) You can then use the "ping" command to get the IP adress of the web site you wanna go to. example. ping www.hellboundhackers.org . Then just put the IP adress in the area that you would normally put the URL in. Bang! your there! This may not work on all filter's but it does get around most. The first method i ever used that worked was this one.

Method 3- Use an Anonymizer and redirect yourself to the site you wanna go to. ex. .redirect.keljobs.com . You just add that to the end of the URL of the site you wanna go to.

Method 4- A bit like method three. Make a page using PHP tthat read's the content from another page. This PHP code is one ive used.

if (! ($f=fopen("site"."r"))) exit ("Unable to open file."); ( $x=fgetc($f); echo $x" ) fclose($f);

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this article and get good use out of it. If not i failed my goal. Anyhow, please comment on it . Also if there are any mistakes comment on them or PM me. Thanks!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

U never explained how to get cmd prompt :p Other than that, not bad ;)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Well at my school, nothing is block :D

Also for cmd prompting, i'm wondering if ping is the same in Unix and Windows because at my school they are using Unix system and i have access to cmd promting.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

what about phpproxy and others like it ? you could add those…

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

oh oh nvm these are like the php site reader thing.. except they're easier to use :P but adding a snippet of code made the article nicer :P

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

you forgot to explain how to get a cmd prompt…i`ll do that for you..just write command.com into notepad and save it as blah.bat

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Ahaa. I got another way:

  1. Go to http://www.etipost.nl
  2. In the searchbox fill in this: <iframe src="http://www.google.com" height=1000 width=1000>
  3. press OK

Now you can surf in that Iframe and the school admin will only see the "etipost" url (at my school that is)

Good article :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

yeah, sorry noticed that too, i did forget to say, i have a diffrent method of making command prompt but you covered it, thanks for the comments guys, and spyware, nice, ill test that out and see if that works with this.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Oh, by the way,im not really sure about the unix thing, never tried on unix. Also someone asked how the keljobs thing works, say i was wanting to get to a site that was blocked… say hellbound or whatever ok so id put http://hellboundhackers.org.redirect.keljobs.com and thats how it would go into the addy bar. Just thought i,d clear that up.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

When I try .redirect.keljobs.com, a site with ads come up, and its says keljobs.com is for sale…. Good article by the way :)

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

yeah, i probably made a mistake its redirect.keljob.com not plural.Sorry try that.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Nice article. only one I diden't know about was method 4, quite clever. Another way is trying yahoo's cache also. and here is another annoymizer that might work. put "http://anonym.to/?" before http://




ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

you didnt put anything about schools that use a proxy of their own to block sites, and check the url for instances of words like "hacker" and "porn". you can use yxorp.co.uk to get round them ^^

ghost's avatar
ghost 17 years ago

well my schools about retarded so i dunno if thisll work for the rest of you but i just use https://vtunnel.com and it bypasses the blocker then use vtunnel to view whatever page it was that you wanted to see

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

There is a reallly easy way to get past the school filter usually they don't block regedit as far as I've seen just follow this start>>run>>regedit>>hkey_local_machine>>software>>inernet explorer or fire fox>> find the file that ses filter or proxy click it once and press delete or shift+delete .. hope it works :happy: