Thermite :D
Thermite :D
How to make thermite The easy way
What you will need; aluminium Iron oxide magnisium or sparklers
What to do; 1)all Iron oxide is, is iron rust so get them nails rusting 2)After rusting your nails get the file out and start filing until you have a pile of rust 3)now get your aluminium and file again until you have a pile 4)mix 8 grams of aluminium to 3 grams of iron oxide 5)place the sparker in the mix and light
Remember thermite burns at a stupidly high temp so once its burning it cant be put out and will burn through anything including car engines dont fuck with thermite as it will remove your hands in about 2 seconds flat
Enjoy Tchort
ghost 18 years ago
now way, you can make thermite out of rust and tinfoil? i dont believe ya, but im still gonna try…
ghost 18 years ago
"Enjoy Tchort"
How are we supposed to enjoy something that burns your hand in "2 seconds flat" :P?
ghost 18 years ago
kool, and does it have to be a sparkler, cant i just light it, or does it need magnesium, wheres a common source of that?
ghost 18 years ago
magnisium is the best ignition but its difficult to find the best source of Aluminium is an old CPU heatsink and yes this works ask my old landlord who pissed me off
it will remove your hand quicker that 2 seconds so dont hold it :right:
ghost 18 years ago
i saw at chemestry a video on thermite… it was in a 4 inch thich bowl (more like a bucket realy ) and it was lit froma afar and it burdend trough that container… sweet.. here is a link to some videos… i hope itll come ok :):D:D
ghost 18 years ago
aluminium is poisonous dont inhale…. lol you cant make it out of tinfoil coz it's not enough not pure plus most probably covered in aluminium oxide, tahst why it must be fresh filings…. and finally you can use a very hot lighter it just needs a massive kick start
ghost 18 years ago
lol brainiac, what a great show for brining this simple yet deadly concocsion to our eyes :D
ghost 18 years ago
lol just about to say.. someones been watching brainiac :D i love that show… great article man :D
ghost 18 years ago
i think you can also filter out flash grad aluminium powder from metallic paints, also it turns out that the thermit reaction is used to patch up railway lines as it produces molten iron
ghost 18 years ago
This sound like somthing straight out of the anarchist cookbook(I dont recomend reading it half the shit in there will eiher kill you or leave you scared for life) but rigging up a thermite grenade around your comp for those unexpected visits from the FBI could be usefull.
ghost 18 years ago
just have a format batchfile on your desktop is easyer and would be less damage to your floor;)
use thermite on cars its the only thing its good for
ghost 18 years ago
hey now blacksheep, i like the anarchist cookbook (and yeah, i think this is in there lol)
ghost 18 years ago
I'm sorry, but blacksheep090, whent he FBI come into your house and hear/smell thermite burning your Desktop, they'll probably go, "WTF?" Although, it is a viable strategy. (Oh my, THERMITE was sitting inside my tower? Oh dear.) As for the article itself, very, very scarey stuff indeed. I mean, that is INSANELY scarey.
ghost 17 years ago
this is just about the most fun you can have with fire but yeah watch out for the retarded 6500 degree molten aluminum :evil:
ghost 17 years ago
nice iv seen videos and wondered how to get hold of some, it burns at about 2500 degrees C which will melt some types of rock so with it you can make some DIY lava though what ou would really want with lava im not quite sure but u wud get some great laughs with it LOL
ghost 17 years ago
Like hacking with Ramzi in The Broken :P, he fills a laptop with thermite and ignitiates it :P