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How to add a Favicon to your site.

How to add a Favicon to your site.

By ghostghost | 5636 Reads |
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A favicon is a Favourites Icon. It was first madeby microsoft for internet explorer.

How to make one, firstly all of them are 1616 but the imagecan be 3232 or even 6464 but for best compatibility it'sbest to leave it as 1616. Also again for best compatibility you'll want to be able to save it as an .ico (windows icon filetype).

Now once you have done all this and potentionally downloaded the ico plugin( although I know GIMP already can) and saved your favicon as favicon.ico you need to know how to instate it.

Now all you do is upload the file named 'favicion' to your server in the home folder, (public_html/ or www/ or where-ever you files are). Now spome web browsers will already be finding it,but forhighest compatibility youneed to add this piece of code. with out the *: <link rel='shortcut icon' href='/favicon.ico' /> <link rel='link name here' href='a link here' /> just fillin the gaps.

Favicons always make your site look clever so try it. It's simple.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Nice. I have been wondering how to do this.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Icon plugin for what? public_html is not the home folder, either. It is the http documents folder, and also to note, the name of the folder varies. cPanel uses public_html, as well as a symlink to that called 'www.'

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

thanks edited.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

And I know it's not the home folder must you always be such a pedantic twat?

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Don't get mad at me for being detail oriented! Also, even after editing you left that public_html and www are the home folder! :D Those are the HTDoc folders! Gosh. ;)

Time to give a better rating though. Good stub of data, definitely going to be my first reference to people who don't know what favicons are.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

I've never had to add any code to my documents, it seems to look for favicon.ico in the top level directory by default, hmm 8-)