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Getting IP addresses through MSN

Getting IP addresses through MSN

By SySTeM avatarSySTeM | 15807 Reads |
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Ok this is my first article so be nice lol, it will teach you how to get the IPs of your friends on MSN.

First we want to load MSN Messenger and sign in…

Then see which of your contacts are online…

Send someone a message saying "Check this out" or something similar.

Open up command prompt and type "netstat" to view the open connections.

Send the person the file then go back to command prompt and type "netstat" again.

You should notice there is a new connection, this will be the hostname of your friend/enemy.

Okay we need to copy that so right click and click mark, then with the mouse click and drag across the hostname and click enter to copy.

Then we need to type "nslookup" in command prompt and them paste the hostname, which should end up giving you the IP

By system_meltdown

ghost's avatar
ghost 16 years ago

Are you sure it still works? Because I think the connections go through the msn server, as I always get the same IP, no matter who i try to get the IP from…

I think the best way is having a website that emails you the IP log (or just stores it in a file), so you just have to tell the "victim" to view your site to get the IP.

Elu-veit-ie's avatar
Elu-veit-ie 15 years ago

No this does not work with the new msn Live, as when you have a connection it is with the msn server and not a direct connetion like some other clients. Although, if you do have an older version of msn, it could possibly be modded to send and extra tag with each message. Doing this the tag could " fish" for the ip. I say use an older version beacause of the exploitation is already documented on the web, dont reinvent the wheel and use it.

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

I read somewhere that for this to work the file needs to be larger than 4MB, or it will go through lives' servers.

ghost's avatar
ghost 15 years ago

are you sure you get your friend's ip? isn't this a msn server's ip? bcause the communication is always client - server - client…
