zooM iT
zooM iT

Hi, Here I'm gonna explain how to do a cool zoom effect in Photoshop CS2 (Two Different Styles). Our goal is to make this image (it has both Styles btw)
Ok ..
The First Style : Its the wallpaper Style ,
Open a new image (File > New) and make it 1024*768 pixel or whatever your res is ;). Make your Background color White -if not the default color- with the Paint Bucket Tool.
now we move on to the Brush Tool
make it Black color make some half circles and dots around them .. something like that
and then we zoom it From here Filter > Blur > Radial Blur…
Then this box will pop-up
Make it as image,
Amount : is "how long" the zoom will be. Blur Method : yes there is also a spin effect try it later but stick with zoom now, lol. Quality : is Quality !
press Ok …
Then we do the Find Edges effect Filter > Stylize > Find Edges
Then we do the zoom effect again same as before (repeat).
Then we invert the image (Ctrl+i) or From here: Image > Adjustment > Invert
and about the color of it go to Image > Adjustment > Color Balance
This will pop up
play around with it a bit to get your fav color.
thats was The First Style :).
The Second Style : Its a text Style, For example this image:
Consist of two layers This One :
and This One :
so after we write whatever we want like ELITE in the first layer .. we duplicate that layer Right Click > Duplicate Layer…
and we do the zoom effect as before Radial Blur(zoom) > Find Edges > Radial Blur(zoom)
and about the Cool Fonts .. Check this site out www.dafont.com after you download the font copy/past the .ttf file in (Control Panel > Fonts).
Thats it, i hope you find this tutorial useful, and Thanks for reading.

ghost 17 years ago
That looks awesome :), The images realy helped, it was easy to read and simple, but explained everything clearly, hoping for more articles from you.

ZvirX 17 years ago
Thanks alot korg, Frost, sqldump, system, mosh and lol Uber0n ya i had to make sure that my article is understandable :D and thanks dude :happy:

ynori7 17 years ago
nice article. well layed out. i didnt know you could use bold tags and image tags in the articles though, i was never able to get them to work. anyway, awesome rating from me.

ghost 17 years ago
Good good tutorial - i personal prefer Goodtutorials for Photoshop. But it's to bad the tutorial doesn't focus on the term Non-Destructive.