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By ghostghost | 5037 Reads |
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First make a new document (Mine is 400px X 400px, but yours can be however big you want. File >> New

Then paint the background black using the paint bucket tool.


Using the Elipse tool, and holding shift, drag the mouse to make an even circle. Makesure the foreground color is white.



Then rasterize the layer Layer >> Rasterize >> Shape

Now, add wind, and use the default settings. Filter >> Stylize >> Wind

Now rotate the canvas 90 degrees CW, and add wind again. Image >> Rotate Canvas >> 90 CW Ctrl + F

Now rotate the canvas 90 degrees CW, and add wind again. Image >> Rotate Canvas >> 90 CW Ctrl + F

Now rotate the canvas 90 degrees CW, and add wind again. Image >> Rotate Canvas >> 90 CW Ctrl + F

Rotate the canvas one more time to return to the original place. You should have something like this:


Now Create another even elipse, this one has to about the same as the first one. It also has to be black. Then rasterize the shape once it is in fornt of the white circle.


Now use the blur tool, and a large brush. Rub over the layer with the white circle until it is at a good level. Look at my image for an idea at what it should look like.



(Hint: If it is too brite, lower the opacity of the layer) (Extra: If you want stars, add noise, at 10 level)

Now merge all visible layers. Layer >> Merge Visible

Now add a lense flare. With the 105mm Prime lense, and the brightness at 75% Filter >> Render >> Lense Flare

Position it so it is just peaking over an edge of the "Moon"

And a night eclipse is yours!

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

kinda random, not really useful?

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Cool, good job also. Can we make a solar eclipse too? :p

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

I meant lunar :p