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Bubbling Guts

Bubbling Guts

By ghostghost | 5460 Reads |
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Tutorial-Bubbling Blood Difficulty - 1 2 3 4 5 Tutorial Writer - Travmanx (Drumline God) © 2004-2005[/SIZE]

//Present Sizes - Custom //Width - 400 - pixels //Height - 400 - pixels //Resolution - 72 - pixels/inch //Mode - RGB Color //Contents - White

Step 1

Press "D" to reset your colors.

Step 2

Go to Render>Clouds and do it around 2-3 times.

Step 3

Go to Sketch>Chrome and change your settings to

Detail - 6 Smoothness - 7

Step 4

Go to Artistic>Plastic Wrap and change your settings to

Highlight Strength - 20 Detail - 15 Smoothness - 7

Step 5

Now go to your brush tool and change your setting to

Mode - Overlay

Then change your color to a dark red

Example Red - 100 Green - 0 Blue - 0

There it is a cool blood effect. Here is what I got


ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

Creative! Lol good tutorial.

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

nice one mate… i saw that on good-tutorials.com lol :happy:

ghost's avatar
ghost 18 years ago

lol that rox thx